Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. 

Did I do something pointless today? Ermm, hmm, not really, oh wait, yeah I spent two hours at the 'radio.' I couldn't do my job cause other radio workers updated the site dramaticly, I will have to get s new password and someone has to explain me how the new site works, so aia can do my job properly. All that takes time, and this afternoon they had not enought time. There weren't much people, not as much as ussual. There was a dj and a technician, and that was it. I sat beside the technician for about two hours, just to keep him company. 

It's been a while since I saw a technician at work, while seeing him I remembered that I sat there too for a little while. It reminded me strongly that being a technician is not my thing, it's sure not anymore like it was in the old days. The technnology has changed alot, it's all computers and... I can't even pronounce  what. for example in the radio studio, so many buttons and so much computer language, it's insane. I feel like I'm way behind if it comes to the latest technology and new gadgets, for example give me a cellphone and I already go, 'woot!?' 'what buttons do I need to dial a number?' It's crazy. 

I went out today for a little whilein the morning aswell, I brought back one package of the square vinyls I used for my storage room, cause I had one package over. I could return only a whole package and would get my money back. So I did that, plus I have been hunting for cheap working clothes, but doubts made me decide not to. Though I could use some new working clothes, the jeans and hoodie I have are full of glew stains and dirt. And  warmer weather is comming, so I can't wear my hoodie anymore. But damn, the clothes I saw are to expensive for work, I wish we had a decent second hand store with clothing. 

I almost bought a black hoodie this morning, this hoodie was a bit thinner then the one I already had. The hoodie was 15 Euro, but I didn't buy it, I will wait for 'on sale' clothing. I will get a sweater from work too IF they gonna hire, two sweaters and two polo-shirts, that's one of the reason I decided not to buy new working clothes. Oh well, I will wait untill I see some clothing on sale then. The clothing in my closet are a shame to wear to work, maybe a few jeans I could use, but that's it. I care for the clothing what I still have. 
Tonight's a birthday party night, let's see how that goes. Mark, A old resident from Humanitas celebrates his birthday in the Wonne, Wonne is the place where I get the free dinner on Monday night. I'm sure I wrote before in this blog about them. Akward situation, Mark's girlfriend Margaret lives at the Wonne, and Mark lives at Humanitas. Long story short, Humanitas banned Margaret from Humanitas cause she did something what was against the rule. There's so much to tell about these two people, it's to much to write it all down, I would need another blog for that.

This couple has so many guilts, they lived almost all there time being together in shelters or with other family, and if you know them well, you know that 'that' will never change. There nice people but...hmm.. They are used to live in shelters and that gives a bit of abnormal vibe over them, sure you can trust them in a certain way, but keep an eye open. I spent time with them during Humanitas, great time! I spent time with them on Reha too, and now I see them only with the free dinners. I don't see them as close friends but just friends. Friends who I so now and then see or speak, but surely not everyday, I would like to keep it that way.

Tomorrow I will tell how the birthday was... plus perhaps pictures.

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