Monday, April 9, 2012

Toothache, ugh!!

Toothache, ugh!! 

I think I broke the world record 'going to bed early' last night, I went to bed at 9:30. I so had enough of the toothache, the only thing I could think of then was, 'I'm going to bed!' I can't really describe the pain, it just hurts, sometimes bad and sometimes less, strangely the pain comes and goes. Suprising I had a good sleep with less pain, I took one paracetamol after dinner and one before I went to bed. This morning I took again two paracetamol's, it seems it helps a bit. But I know aswell that these medicene doesn't heal my tooth.

I felt a bit sick today aswell with a light stomach ache, I guess it's just not my day today. I didn't do much, I showered, used the laptop, ironed, and went to the free dinner. The free dinner was packed with people, first I didn't wanna go, I didn't feel well and the rain came poring down. I messaged a girl who also always comes at the free dinner, telling her I prolly won't come. The girl answered back that she and her boyfriend would willing to pick me up if I wanted. I thought, 'Okay, why not.' Perhaps a 'going out' for a few hours will do me good, and it did.

Though I'm slightly a bit worried about my toothache, (*read, alot worried.*)  Ofcource when you have a toothache you go to the dentist, but my dentist lives in another village, and I don't feel like going there again. I had enough of him, he's just not a good dentist. He told me already that the tooth he filled a few weeks ago is bad, and it might need a crown. Well, 'that' bad tooth is hurting... I think, so when I go there he will prolly get me a new crown. Thinking of the last treatments he did, I'm not really excited to go. He replaced old fillings with new fillings but the fillings were horrible. 

The fillings came out again and I was in pain again, it's a waste of money aswell. So, I have been looking for new dentists this morning and yesterday, and with succes. I found four or five I think, upcomming Wednesday I will go on a 'new dentist hunt,' I have the adresses so I know where to go. One dentist I already sent a message on there site, hopefully I will get an answer tomorrow afternoon when I get back from work. Comming from work I will buy aswell some new painkillers, if a dentist gives me painkillers fornthe pain he always gives me ibuprofen, so that I will try. 

P.s. The 'girl' from the free dinner gave me Ibuprofen, that was nice of her, but it's 600 mg. I'm not such a fan off medication, so I will be carefull with the 600 mg. I will stick with the paracetamol and tomorrow after work I will go to a pharmacy and ask for some information for the best painkillers. And ofcource searching for a new and better dentist. 


jazain said...

aww poor sjon! ive suffered through some of the worlds worst tooth pain!! its horrible. take the ibuprofen, you can take up to 800mg every 6 to 8 hours but the important thing with that is TAKE IT WITH FOOD IN YOUR STOMACH!! said...

Oh thanks for the advice,I was already worried about the 600mg. The pain comes and goes that is the weirdest... I had a good sleep. Guess I'm just a bit worried about this whole tootache/not having a dentist.

You had toothache aswell so you know what's it like. It's sure is horrible, makes you feel misserable aswell. Thanks for the advice again. I will wait with the ibuprofen though until the pain gets really worse.

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