Monday, April 16, 2012

Why is Monday so far from Friday but Friday so close to Monday?

Why is Monday so far from Friday but Friday so close to Monday? 

Just kidding, lol. I like and love every day, Sometimes I even think days are to short. Like now, I'm writting this post, and look at the clock, it's already 10 minutes after 9. Within a hour I want to go to bed, cause I have work tomorrow. But this day flew till it's end, it's been a nice busy day at work. There was for sure enough to do, we had five people woking in our section, where's there normal three working.

We all worked together nicely and everything went well, I love that! Sure it's, but it gives a good feeling to be busy, better then doing the same thing over and over without feeling that you actually do something productive.Yes, that was the word I was looking for, it's been a productive day. Still a few days for my second boss, then he will be gone for good. We all putted some money together for a nice gift for him, we usually do such things. 

We do it aswell when someone is sick at home, something small or something big, it just depends. My 'new' second Boss was a fellow worker that I know, and what I expected aswell that he will become my new second Boss. His name is Mitvija, he's from Croation, very friendly guy. We kinda have something in common, a language. Mitvija lived for 3 years in New York, and I for 3 years in Canada.

Sometimes we speak English with each other. Fun to do that, I sometimes miss talking English. I so love my job, I feel tired afterwards but it's so worh it. I'm thinking (If I can handle it) to work four days in the week instead off three days. When I started this job I started off with 3 half days and then slowly towards 3 whole days. Now I would like to work four days, I will see if I manage. That's a thing for the comming months, perhaps I will start after the Sumer vacation. I'll see.

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