Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Goodbye Prague.... Hello Berlin or Luxembourg... sigh!

Goodbye Prague.... Hello Berlin or Luxembourg... sigh!

An hour ago I received a E-mail from the travel company where I booked my excursion trip for this Summer, they tried to contact me the last few days but without success, the mail was about my booked excursion trip to Prague. Weird, cause I had my phone with me the last few days, probably I gave them a wrong number. Either way the email sounded urgent and ofcource it worried me. I tried to E-mail them back them back but no success either. I dislike having to call someone, it makes me nervous and that way I can't talk that easily. But sometimes you just gotta, right? I decided to call the travel company back, I knew that my cellphone has to be charged but what the heck, I'll give it a try, I had to know (right away) what was going on. 

I called and I had right away the right person on the phone, she could tell me that the 8 day excursion trip to Prague has been cancelled. Pity, sigh! My first worries was my money, cause I already payed the full amount. The woman on the phone told me that I can get my money back easily, though aswell I could book another trip. I don't have to pay twice 'then', cause the money what I already had payed will stay in their account. My cellphone warned me that my phone needs to be charged soon, so I tried to handle this situation a bit faster. I knew what was going on and I knew that I can get my money back or order a new excursion trip. I only had to know now 'how' to order a new trip in this situation. Can I do that as usual trough 'their' site or...?

What's it gonna be? Luxembourg or......
The woman told me that I can just call them, cause in this situation it's easier to book a trip trough the phone, otherwise I will have a double booking. Makes sense. But what a bummer all this cancelling! I already went to the travel company's site to look for a comparable trip, not that easy cause I had to look for the right date, cause of my Summer vacation day's off from work, and I didn't want to pay much more then what I already have payed. The new excursion trips were a disaster cause I couldn't find a proper date, most proper dates were fully booked. Other excursion trips were just to expensive. I looked for city trips, that went better, I found a few nice trips with a proper date and there both were payable. 

.......Berlin (Germany)
Five days to Berlin (Germany) or four days to Luxembourg, I'd say Berlin, I never been there and what I saw what they're gonna do in these five days sounded good. I saved the two trips in my favorites, and I will look trough them tomorrow once again. These two trip are much cheaper then the trip to Prague, so probably I will hopefully get a sum of money back. Oh I want this to be behind my back, it's just a bit nerve wrecking, lol. I want this to be done, handle it off right away. I guess Friday will be the day that I will call them, cause tomorrow is a holiday. And I need to have my cellphone charged, and that's not possible cause tomorrow all shops and stores are closed. So yeah, Friday is a good day.

This has been a nice day, here and there a few rain and hail storms but the sun was there aswell. I bought my groceries in the morning just before a rain storm, pfffeeww! I just deeded a few groceries, the free dinner tomorrow isn't going trough cause of the tomorrow's holiday. So I have to prepair one dinner more then usual, lol. My counselor came aswell this afternoon, he announced that he will come one more time in June, then his duty is done with me. I was aware of this, so I wasn't surprised, it's all good. He did alot for me, but aswell I wanted to do aswell things, just to get used to do it myself again. That went good, my counselor told me that I can be proud of myself, "You did well and at the moment your doing much better, financial, physical, mental."

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