Friday, May 4, 2012

How to mess up a schedule? Easy, loose your key from your bike-lock!

How to mess up a schedule? Easy, loose your key from your bike-lock! 

I have been searching and searching, I have been trough the whole house, but no key. I planned my day this morning, doing groceries was first on my list, and perhaps cleaning in the afternoon. There was enough to do for sure. Tomorrow I planned to go to my Dad, and I needed a special card from the hospital aswell, it's called in Dutch a 'ponskaartje.' If or when I have to go to the hospital for taking blood or for something else, I need to show this card. On this card stands every information the hospital needs to know. Since I came back to Holland I didn't get or ask for such a card. It was actually a must, I can get this card at the hospital, it's a piece of cake and takes only 5 minutes. Anyway back to this morning....

I had everything ready, groceries list, keys to the apartment, key from the bike..... Wait! Where's my bike key? I need to unlock my bike!? I searched everywhere, I even thought I forgot to lock my bike last night, it sure wasn't the first time. But no, my bike was locked! Damn, back to my room I went, and kept searching. In the meanwhile I thought of some plans what to do next if I don't find the key. Trying to open the lock was an option, walking to the bike store where I bought it from last year is an option, or just ask for help was an option too. I couldn't find the key, ofcource not, when I loose something, I will loose it for good, lol. Remembering the lost key to my room when I was at Humanitas, never been found again.

I asked and announced at the same time on Facebook what my problem was, perhaps someone who lived close could help me out. This lock on my key is a lock what is so not easy to open without a key.

The Defender ring lock offers optimal safety with its anti drilling cylinder and hardened steel bracket. The ergonomic design of the push button and the luxurious foldable key with online key service offer you maximum comfort.

I tried to open it with a screwdriver and some other tools, but I stopped, I didn't wanna damage my bike further. I googled some options to, the best tip was a angle grinder, but I didn't had one and if I would have one, I would have think twice to use it. This job needs to be done by a professional, a bicycle mechanic! But how to get there with the bike locked? I needed a ride, or should I just go walk there with the bike? I tried but that was ridiculous, it was to far and to heavy.  I searched one more time and decided to go to the bike store where I bought it from, on my way I would buy my groceries aswell, good plan!  Though I hope they can help me, cause I was already thinking ahead, lol. Will they give me a second key? 

Bike in the shed, bike is locked, key is gone, me not happy!
 Or perhaps order one so I have to wait? Will they come with me to open the lock? I guess not. So, there I went without knowing what's good, without knowing if this was the right thing to do, lol, but I had to do something. I have to have a bike or better my bike lock open before Monday morning 7:00 am, cause of work. It was quit a walk but I enjoyed it, it took me almost 30 minutes to arrive there, not that bad. I told them my story and they were nice. What I actually hoped for but didn't expect came trough, They will come to my house, pick up my bike and take it to the store to unlock the bike lock, perfect! "Can you also pick the bike up?" They asked, I answered, "Yeah sure, no problem." The more they do the more it will cost me I thought. 

The lock on my bike, just a bit damaged, sigh!
Around 4:00 pm they will give me a call and then they will pick up my bike. It was 2:20 pm, perfect time to do my groceries while I walk towards home. I didn't need much groceries, so the plastic bag with the groceries wasn't that heavy to carry with me. When I was home I took a long nap, I still had a hour before they will call, so napping time! I was tired and glad I was laying down. At 4:00, no phonecall, I waited. At 5:00 still no phonecall, I decided to call them, the bicycle mechanic announced that they were very busy the last few hours, he apologized for that, "There on there way NOW." Said the mechanic on the phone. Still I had to wait for 30 minutes, but okay, a guy arrived in a van and he picked up my bike. 

Tomorrow I will have my 'everything' back.
 "Tomorrow around 3:00 pm you can pick the bicycle up, but gives us a call first." The guy told me, I asked aswell for a new lock on my bike, that was okay. So, tomorrow in the late afternoon I will have my bike back with a new lock, what a relief! I never, NEVER, will loose my bike key again, NEVER! Let this be a lesson Sjon! I have all my keys attached on a key chain, aswell my bike key, but I guess in some sorta way I lost it. Don't ask me why cause I haven't got a clue, lol. Ofcource the lock fixing and bringing on the new lock will cost me, but it's worth it, it's a relief! I will have to take care of my stuff a bit more I guess, oh well, happens to everyone! Right?


Anisah said...

Can you get 2 keys, a spare to hide in your house in case you lose the other one? Of course then you would forget where you put it lol. said...

Hehe, they putted me a new lock on the bike, with two keys. One of the key I put on my key chain and the other one I will put where I have all the spare keys.

I bought this bike second hand, so when I bought it the lock didn't come with two keys, only one.

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