Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pentecost in a few days.

Pentecost in a few days. 

It was a so so day at work, they sent me to this other section again. I didn't really like it though, but okay. I was standing behind a machine a whole day, it was just the same thing over and over. This machine punshes holes into aluminium rods, these rods where small but quit long. But because they were from aluminium they weren't heavy, all I had to do is put a rod into the machine and take it out again when the holes were punshed, quit easy. Though  a bit boring if you do it a whole day. This machine was a bit in the back of the hall, so not much people around me, for a quick chat or a joke. But I had a radio there, so that was nice.

Though I like my own section, there are more different things to do, I really love that section. There isn't one thing I hate to do. When it's not that busy in my own section, I will be the first one to sent away, though this happens not that much luckily. Or when that 'other' section needs more people, I will be on the list with a few other people to work there. For a day it's fine to work on that other section, perhaps two days, but for always, no! There might be a chance that my Boss wants to put me there, but those are just my (negative) thoughts. I have been put there quit a few times now... 

Another warm hot day it was again, for the first time I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt at work. That was really comfy with this warmth. I weared a black Winnie the Pooh shirt, lol. It was the only old (for work) shirt I had with short sleeves. I had doubts to wear this shirt, but I did anyway, lol. Doubts because I might get funny comments, it's not really a 'man' shirt right? LOL! Sure I had some funny comments on the shirt today, but I made jokes about it too, it was all good, lol. Best comment: A fellow worker found a Winnie the Pooh coffee mug in our cantine and gave it to me for today, lol, "Now your done," he said.

Wow, four days of again, upcomming Sunday and Monday it's Pentecost. I will just see what I will do then. For sure trying not to spend that much money for a change, lol. Trying to visit my Dad with Pentecost, proabably Monday I think. It's been two weeks since my last visit.

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