Tuesday, May 29, 2012



So, my counselor who has his last visit in a few weeks, wants to give a small 'Farewell' party because the eight months contract (or how you call it) has ended, I will be on my own now, I will have to arrange the 'things' on my own. About the 'Farewell'party, nice! I like that. My counselor was the person who helped me around with finance, socializing, goals and whatever I still wished , wanted or had troubles with when I lived for the first time on my own again, after I lived fat Humanitas (Shelter) for almost eight months. Who's invited? My counselor (Sahajo) announced the names in the mail he sent today, Heidi, she's a staff member of Humanitas (where I was) then there's Marie-Jose she's the Boss from Sahajo (my counselor) and then there's me and ofcource Sahajo. And last but not least, My Boss from work....

Hmm.. I find that a bit awkward, I don't know. In my eyes inviting my Boss from work for a 'Farewell' party, cause Humanitas and my counselor or ending my 8 month contract with them. Ofcource I have nothing against my Boss, but what does/did she has/had to do with Humanitas, perhaps Sahajo finds that my Boss was a part of my goals in the last 8 months. (work) I find it awkward and I think that 'she' will feel or think the same, I think I will be embarrassed aswell, to just ask her, what will she even think of me when I ask her? No hard feelings but my Boss is not invited, then I can invite my Doctor or Dentist aswell. Right? Then I rather invite two staff members from Reha, where I used to work before I went to my new job. Freddie my old Boss, and Marleen, she was sort of my guider, or how you call it at Reha. 

I still have to thank them both to for what they have done for me, it would be perfect to have them both invited! P.s I already asked to have them invited 5 minutes ago, hoping there coming too. Sahajo asked me if I wanted to visitors at Humanitas or at my place, after a ten minute thought I decided to let them here in my house. I was a bit nervous though, just the thought to have them all here, lol. "Do I have coffee enough? Do they want one or three cuppa coffee, or perhaps tee? Is my house clean enough and tidy?" I was thinking that I would be more busy with myself being worried about my visitors then the whole 'Farewell' party, lol. But, let them come here, I would love to see there reaction of how I live, or how well I'm doing. Yeah I'm quit excited, excited to see them again. There such a nice bunch of people.

Oh yeah, work went well today! Again another section, but oh well, I can't complain, I got a job! Thursday I will be on my own section again, yay! I think I'm a flexible person in my Boss's eye, I can be placed on several sections in the factory, and that's a good thing, right?

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