Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"What to write."

"What to write." 

What will I write about today, I don't know yet, lol. I had a nice day at work, I like my section. Just for on hour I was put behind a machine, I just had to keep an eye on it, and do several handling's. But, oh what a fail! They were a bit to much handling's, this machine makes mats aswell, but geesh, that was so not my thing. I knew it already for hand. The guy who's usually behind this machine had to go away for a hour, I thought, "Oh dear, hurry back."

It's almost impossible to put someone who doesn't know this machine behind this machine, you really have to learn this in a few days, not just by explain what you have to do in 20 minutes. Some fellow workers mentioned this too, and I thought 'this' already before I even started. After a few mistakes one fellow worker who kept an eye on me saved me by sending me back to my own section, sigh! I surely felt relieved. 

One other fellow worker took my 'job' over, 'I didn't have to blame myself,' some workers told me. I didn't, but it gave just a bit of a failed feeling, I disliked it. I did extra my best at my own section, lol, the section where I know alot more, I succeeded my 'extra best.' Still I didn't spoke to my Boss, she and some other office workers are visiting some fairs. Next Monday she will be back, that will be the day when I want this done.

I'm just a little bit worried about 'not spoken to my Boss yet', cause she doesn't have my bank number and my ID, the bank number is needed to make my monthly loan over to my bank account. The ID is a part of the confirming the working contract. Roll on Monday, I should not be worried, cause 'they' always kept there word... sometimes late, but still they did. I guess it will be good.

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