Saturday, June 2, 2012

600th Post, oh my oh my!

600th Post, oh my oh my! 

What to do with a 600th post? What to write down? Celebrate? Oh well, just a little bit then! HOORAY, HERE'S my 600th POST! It's a milestone, and I must say the writing goes easier aswell. (Hooray for spell checker! LOL!) Still I stumble sometimes with my writing, or what to write down this time, but once I start writing.... it goes on. Sometimes I write the silliest things, but still I like the writings. Writing is fun, specially on a blog, writing about your hobby or your daily things. Sometimes I read back what I all have written down the last 1 and a half year, recently I'm reading the part when I was spending my time at Humanitas. The remembering is quit fun, but sometimes aswell hurts, but oh well, that's life, right? 

Alrighty then... on with today, Saturday! Sunny day today with here and there a dark cloud, it wasn't that cold, only in the morning I putted the heater on for a little while, it was chilly. Today was 'painting the storage room' day, sometimes you just gotta do what you have to do, right? I'm glad I finished it, the walls are looking bright and shiny white now. Still I'm not totally done with this storage room, but everything on time. It was quit a work those walls, but there done, the other parts in the storage room will get another color. Thinking of darkbrown and plain white. Just like yesterday I had somnetimes these exhausted moments, naps usually always work then, also this time. I think it's the weather changing gets me tired. 

The five new cups I bought today at a second hand store. There nice and big.
I did a good score today at a second hand store, five coffee/tea mugs for only 2 Euro and 25 Euro cents. First I thought they were much expensiver but no, yeah they were second hand. I bought them in a secon hand store in another village. I went there after my first lunch and nap, I felt like going out, I needed a few groceries aswell, so yeah. I'm still looking for a nicer TV cabinet, a one what maches with my coffee table. Second hand stores are perfect for that, though I didn't saw one today. I need more decorations in my house aswell, paintings, probably some better plants, little tiny tables, vases, you name it. Lol, I miss Goodwill, those were the days, I miss going there. Anyway, everything on time... 

Note to himself: I  should take it easy with the money, and not make it a habbit to spend it every weekend.

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