Tuesday, June 12, 2012



Oh yeah, Facebook, I never skip a day. I could do a day without though, even a week if I had to. Facebook is fun, Facebook should be fun! Though sometimes it gives you a awkward feeling, or a worried feeling. Sometimes you feel confused aswell or disorientated I always like Facebook, even when I feel sad or worried or feel alone, perhaps even when I'm feeling left out by my friends on Facebook, I'm such a nut sometimes, LOL! . Facebook changes your life, sometimes positive  and sometimes negative, that's a fact, or is it just me finding that. I don't know. Facebook is for sharing anything from yourself and others, pictures, thoughts, adventures,  daily things, your friends or family, just anything.

What are the positives and negatives of Facebook? (I took this from a forum) 

Positive - it connects you with people from years ago, I have people on my facebook that I have not seen in 20 years.

Negative - it tends to be kind of addictive and becomes a "how popular you are tool" rather than a social tool. How many wall posts you have, how many friends you have seem to determine how popular you are in the world of facebook unfortunately.

Positive - You get connected to your friends easily. I've even managed to get in touch with my kindergarten mates ... imagine that. Besides that, their 'photo tagging' comes in handy too - good way to share those party photos. Oh! and the birthday reminder really helps!

Negative -  I find that many people use their facebook profiles to paint their lives the way they'd like them to be & lose sight of the reality.

Positive -  it has been positive I have been able to connect with friends and family.

Now, I do agree with some of the above. Here are a few agrees,  'It connects you with people from years ago.'  It sure does, I have aswell friends from years ago, and still we are in contact. "It tends to be kind of addictive and becomes a "how popular you are tool" rather than a social tool." The addictive part doesn't worry me that much, I can take a break whenever I want, and I will when I want, stopping with Facebook? Now, your pushing it!! LOL! Now, the 'how popular tool' is... Well, I must admit I had a time that I tried to be popular on Facebook, I really liked the attention way to much back then. Now I'm cured, I still like the attention but I'm not so overwhelming as in the beginning when I first signed in.

Though sometimes... tssk...tssk!  Like I said before, Facebook is for sharing things with your friends all over the world, Facebook is for fun, don't get carried away I have to add one negative point to it though, 'Sometimes people take Facebook to serious,' I'm one of them, I do it to sometimes. Taking it to serious, getting carried away, being overwhelmed, though not the addicting part! Facebook is the first site I log into when I open my laptop, and I keep it open when I surf trough the net for latest news, mail, blog, etc, etc. I had a time when I shared alot on Facebook, I mean ALOT, to much actually. I still have that sometimes, I always think then, 'Oh please, should I really post that?'  Commenting on other friends statuses has  also been a issue...

I unlearned that habit off from Saf, NOW I think twice to comment on someones status. I commented alot on Saf's statuses in the beginning of our relationship, hey! I was in love! I even had little issues with Saf when she commented on her (manly) friends, I tried to make not to make a big deal about 'that,' but gosh, sometimes. I saw it as flirting, lol, what was I thinking?! In the beginning I didn't even realize that the commenting was to much, but later on I lessen the commenting. That was tough though, I think I created myself after that a 'I can't comment on what other friends share on Facebook to much' disease, lol. Even now I have it sometimes... 

I hold myself in so now and then when I want to comment (so badly) on a friend's status or picture, "You JUST commented on the persons status! And now you want to comment again on the persons picture? What will they even think? It's annoying when you comment to much, you know?" Deep sigh, lol! It's SO much more fun to just do what you want on Facebook, just  be nice, have fun, share and don't take it to serious, don't get overwhelmed, don't get carried away, and be yourself. Amen! (Note to myself: read all of the above, lol) 


Today I had a tiny little accident at work, skip the hard work we all did and the feeling exhausted but satisfied, sometimes we have some fun times aswell. We as workers need sometimes laughter aswell , singing along with the radio or sometimes throw a wet paper ball, lol, well I saw a wet paper ball a bit to close today. A fellow worker wanted to throw a wet paper ball  back at me in the afternoon, but it went a bit to hard. I received the ball right in my face, and it went pretty hard. My glasses fell off and I had a little scarf on my nose, just between my eyes. The fellow worker was shocked that it went so hard, and so was I, my first concern was my glasses, the pain was so so, I wass till breathing, lol. 

My glasses were still okay, surprising after such a hit. I needed a little bandage on my nose, cause it was bleeding. I'm okay now, and the glasses needed a good clean up. The fellow worker apologized a few times, he even wanted to pay the damage for the glasses if they were broken, nice. I wasn't mad at him at all, such things can happen, and hey I too throwed today a few balls. I will be carefull next time. 

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