Friday, June 29, 2012

"Friday on my mind!"

"Friday on my mind!"

Thank God it's Friday as some people say, I don't mind though what day it is. Weekends are nice, but in the weektime I have a jolly good time aswell. Though the Friday means that the needed 'rest' has started. I had a nice sleep, I went to bed not that late, I think it was around 11:00. I got up around 7:00, and took it easy. I started the first load of laundry early, around 8:00. I have such a load of laundry, lol. Last few days were warm, exhausted warm! When it gets to warm in Holland we get thunder, this morning we had the first explodes with lots of rain. Dang! I just was about to get my weekly groceries when suddenly the clouds were getting darker and darker, "Now I have to run," I thought. 

But after I putted my clothes and shoes on it already started to rain. I decided to wait till the rain stopped, I thought of a nap first aswell, lol. But then again I wanted to get things done in the morning, so I can rest in the afternoon. I will be going out for a little while in the evening, but more about that later. The rain stopped and quickly I putted on my coat and took off, first stop the Doctor, for my blood results and new medication. I was not even 10 seconds on my way and the rain poored down again, sigh, quickly I rushed over to the trainstation, it was the nearest where I could go. Oh dear, it poored down pretty hard. After 20 minutes it was dry again and I continued my journey. 

Hiding for the rain this morning at the train station...

 I spotted a air balloon in the evening, it was much closer then it looked on the picture...
At the Doctor's I got to hear that my bloodresults are good, stable and good. That was good to hear. Though if they would have said that it wasn't so good I wouldn't be surprised aswell. It's sometimes hard to say how I feel with this sick thyroid, then I'm tired and then not, then I feel this or that and then I'm feeling good again, it's almost like a jojo going up and down. Anyway, on to the grocerie store I went, I like doing my weekly shopping, I take my time and I don't rush trough the store, lol. Recently I buy just a bit more then usualy cause of the fresh vegatables and I like to try new food what I usualy don't eat, or just a bit of a expensiver product. Last week I bought butter for the bread, but not the usual butter, no, olive oil butter. 

Excitment all around! In the store I will decide what to eat for the comming weekend, this time I took (again) the fresh carrots and beans, I had them before and they were nice. When I got back towards home it was still dry, no rain. But it was warm, oh my! In the afternoon I took my rest, napped and went on the laptop. Like I said, in the evening I will go out to a old resident from Humanitas, it's Ricardo's Mom. I promised her to come again for a visit after I went there somewhere in January. But I had to chancel it a few times, tonight around 6:30 I took off, wow, it was hot outside, atleast it was dry. The visit was nice, I stayed there for a 90 minutes. We both aren't such a talkers, we watched tv and had a coffee, we talked aswell ofcource but not that much. 

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