Monday, July 9, 2012

Rain can be refreshing aswell...

Rain can be refreshing aswell... 

This morning when I went to work I was a bit worried about my chest pain, I wasn't surprised about the worrying, cause I knew I would be. I felt a light pressure on my chest when I woke up, and yes, swallowing food hurted a bit. When I took of towards work I went slowly, normally I cycle fast but this time I didn't. I was worried, though worrying makes it worse. I decided this morning to take it easy today, I thought, "I will just see what happens," the fresh air felt nice. Although the chest pain I felt enthusiastic when I arrived in the cantine at work, I saw the machines in the factory and I saw mats what weren't finished.

We are busy lately at work, I had to make several mats and I was ready for it, though I took care of my pain aswell. But it went, yeah, today's work was okay, I think the hard work and heavy lifting from last Thursday got me. I told a fellow worker this aswell, he told me that I have to say it when I can't handle the heavy work. I should yeah, and I will. Though sometimes I get to enthusiastic, and then I go for it. Weird enough I love it, it's hard work and I feel like I'm sporting then. I can't really describe that feeling, I feel exhausted but it's worth it, it gives a satisfied feeling. If my body gives a sign that I must stop or slow it down, I'm sure I will!

So, the pain in my chest? I don't know, it comes and goes. But I almost know that there's something not good, I will visit my Doctor Wednesday or Friday. Tomorrow I will work aswell, I will see how it goes then. I figured out today that this chest pain comes and goes, maybe it's just nerves or, I don't know. Doctor's know best, right? I think I will call him Wednesday morning for a appointment. No, I WILL call him Wednesday morning!

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