Sunday, July 1, 2012

"You have to sit by the side of a river a very long time before a roast duck will fly into your mouth."

"You have to sit by the side of a river a very long time before a roast duck will fly into your mouth."

Just bumped into the tittle above while I was searching for one, lol, funny right? I always start with a tittle when I start writing a post. But anyway, on with the Sunday. What to say about this day? Not much actually, Sunday is my day, a rest day. A day when I rest and prepair myself for the Monday or the upcoming week. I try to sleep in, but the last three days I was up early. When I'm awake I mostly get up, and take my medication. The last three days I got up just before 7:00 am, there was no need to though.

While I'm writing this post I hear noises from downstairs, lol. I'm getting new (under) neighbors, they are from Turkey. I'm not surprised, cause Almelo is almost the capitol of Turkey, lol. I don't mind, I like seeing different cultures, seeing how they do things and how they behave. It's sometimes quit interesting aswell. Near my home is a little mosque, (no, not on the praire!) when the Turkish people have a fest, they all go to that mosque to celebrate or to pray. The streets are packed then, cute too to see the kids then all dressed up. 

I have no clue who's going to live under me though, I only know that he or she is Turkish. There moving in now, I mean they are busy with decorating and prepairing the house. Family, relatives, friends, they all are here, helping out a hand. I hope they keep the noise down a bit before I go to bed, I need my sleep aswell. They have been decorating and prepairing quit a long time now, Four or five weeks now I think. Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day aswell at work, I will be all rested out and ready. 

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