Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Social Services! Sigh!!

Social Services! Sigh!!

The appointment I had today with Social Services was one with a big sigh, I had to be there cause I asked for a appointment. Social Services stopped my monthly income since the 1st of May, cause on that day I signed my contract for work. It's a normal procedure otherwise I would be above minimum wage if they kept paying me. I had to inform them cause of my new job, I was nicely on time with the informing. But... Social Services weren't able to look trough my 'informing' on time, and getting it 'done' one time. And because of  that I will have to pay back my monthly money from the month May......... Just because 'they' weren't getting it done on time? Yes! Plus top on that, I'm still in the middle of paying a loan back what I asked for last year in August.

I asked Social Services for that loan cause I needed furniture and other important stuff in my new house. Ofource I have to pay back that loan, in terms. They kept a sorta sum of money of my monthly income to pay back 'that' loan. Since the income has stopped nothing has changed on that 'loan,' upcoming September I will get a mail from Social Services how to pay further in terms. Now, the reason I made a appointment is that I want to know how much I already payed from that loan, and I asked if I should do a 'objection,' cause that's possible too. A 'objection' is if or when your not agreeing with what was written in the letter from Social Services. I will have to write them a letter why I'm not agreeing, plus a date, my name and my autograph.

Well I'm not agreeing with that Social Services wasn't on time with working trough my 'informing,' cause of that and them I will have to pay back a big sum of money. I''m usually not good with they 'objection' thing, it's a lot of work and alot of stress, (I'm already thinking ahead, lol) and probably Social services will refuse my 'objection' anyway. Though, I'm gonna do it, the lady where I spoke with today at Social Services said it too, "You should do a 'objection,' a 'no'you have already, and a 'yes your right' you can get." I'm not good in writing a letter, I will have to keep it short and firm. But I'm gonna do it! The appointment went well, the lady was nice. She told me aswell what I already had payed from my 'asked loan.' "Keep an eye on the already payed loan," she advised me.

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