Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Election day in Holland.

Election day in Holland.

Election day in Holland, I did not even know where to vote on, let stand to even vote. So, better not to vote then to vote on just something. Sigh! Nothing changes anyway, it's been years like this and will always remain, the rich people get richer and the poorer getting poorer. Though I hope changes are coming after today trough these elections, more jobs, taxes for the millionaire and solving the crisis. I think it's my first time I did not vote, and I think it's a wise choice. I have been thaught to vote,just like my parents taught me. If I would have vote I would have vote on the 'elder generation,' I trust a 'elder generation' parlament better, then a 'new(by)' parlament. Anyhow, we will see what the outcome will be...

Rain clouds apeared in the afternoon...

The rained came later in the evening.

Today I have been lazy, I was tired and sleepy today. Slept alot, two naps. It could have been three or perhaps four naps. I guess I can blame the last two day at work, (it's been quit busy) or maybe the weather changing. It's colder with here and there a few rain out bursts. Though I did what I had to do, groceries plus I hanged the blinds in the sleeping room. They look great! Good news from taxes aswell, finally, yes finally I got my money back where I have struggled for so long. I got some money back from over the year 2010, I was overseas then in that time but still payed for my taxes in Holland. Yay, me! It's sure has been a struggle, but I managed and learned from it.

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