Sunday, September 30, 2012

Nerves this week!

Nerves this week! 

I hope tomorrow will be the day when my Boss comes to me while working, and takes me with her to her office. Then I hope she will say, "Okay Sjon, you can stay for another half year, your half year working contract gets a extension." I guess I'm dreaming ahead, though I hope and actually pray this comes trough. I will be so happy and suppa duppa motivated for the next half year. After the next half year my Boss has to hire me for good. It's the law. Oh, the nerves. I will have to wait, the waiting is so long though, lol. Today has just been a lazy day, nothing new, just resting, cooking and getting things ready for work. 

It was a gorgeous day outside, I should actually have gone outside for a walk. But I didn't, Sunday is usually a 'stay inside' day, lol. This coming week I will do extra my best at work, no mistakes. If I make mistakes it's just because I forget to ask sometimes, asking what the measures are or, how many parts this mat is, etc, etc. it's all about being assertive. I need to speak up more. I'm not that a talker at work, I don't know what it is with me. I need time to get used to people, and then slowly I start to speak up more, I will speak up with a louder voice then I do now, lol. Oh well, not everyone is the same right?

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