Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Re-elected and relieved!

Two Posts in one...

I totally forgot to write a post yesterday, so here it is... 


I'm actually quit excited about the US elections today, very curious who's gonna win. Not that I follow it every second or minute, but just the excitement around it. People who vote and the reasons why they vote, or people who don't vote, and their reasons why. I hope the man on the picture above wins, he's calm and brings rest upon people. He loos laid back but aswell firm with his words, he hasn't finished his job yet, he just started. He may finish his job from my part, he has my vote. Though I think it will be a close finish between Romney and Obama, let's see what happens tomorrow.

Today was a day you can compare with yesterday, worked at the same section, same bussyness. Wow we made alot of mats today, good job on us. I noticed that I talk alot more then I use to did these last two days, I like that. It gives a good feeling, yeah, I think I said that aswell yesterday, I think. But oh well, I'm at the right place, with a bunch of nice people. Tomorrow's a day off, a resting day. It's surely a must, oh yes. Sleep in and here and there a few house holdings. I might go out again for lunch again, just like I did last week in the garden centre. 

Though I won't go to the garden centre again, perhaps a little restaurant or a little pub, I'll see. 

Re-elected and relieved!

I'm happy and relieved that Obama won the elections, he hasn't finished his job yet, now he can. I'm excited and curious how the next four years with Mr. Obama will go, I'm sure it will be a tough job with uphills and downhills. But more then the half of the American citizens are having his back, let's do it America, show the world you can!

What a busy day today, not!! Yeah, I really didn't do much today. I washed one wash and that was actually it, most of this Wednesday I rested. In the late afternoon I went out to a few 'friends' of mine who recently have a new house. They lived for many, many months at Humanitas, now there finally on their own. Though it will be tough for them, it's a couple and they lived separated at Humanitas. 

Almost without help from Humanitas 'them being stubborn!`they managed to find a place to live, and now being back together without any counseling and other help it will be tough. But anyway, they had it nice where they live. It is a flat and they live on the second floor. After the visit we both went to the free dinner for a nice meal, afterwards it was heading home again. Work is calling tomorrow, gotta be full of energy and well rested.

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