Tuesday, December 4, 2012

00,00 % Energy left.

00,00 % Energy left. 

Pffeeww, I gave a little bit to much these last two days at work. I was exhausted to the bone while I rided my cycle towards home from work, I was even bothered to ride fast and steady as I usually do. Why fast and steady? Oh, just the way I usually cycle, lol. Now I took my time. I worked on my own section these last two days, together with another fellow worker. Together we had to work on differently orders, and these orders were in a hurry. The handling's the other fellow worker couldn't do or wasn't use to do, I did. So I had double the work, plus I had to keep the other worker at work. Was I in charge then? Hmm, it felt like it, but no, we worked as a team. Just as the other worker told me, I agreed.

Though it was quit a bit of a work, I think I completed a few orders all by myself. From stage one to 'done!' And that's quit a work. My mind goes 'go, go, go' sometimes while I work, though I have it quietly in hand. It's also a must, cause I really have to pay attention what I'm doing. Otherwise I will forget things, and then a order will be sent back. I dislike making mistakes, it annoyes me and bothers me. But with a few little mistakes, (like we all sometimes do at work) I managed it. Am I happy with it? Uhm, yes and no, no, cause of the few mistakes, and yes, cause I managed to do alot and nicely.

Now I'm tired and my body and mind needs rest, and that's just what I will do tonight, and tomorrow. Tomorrow there are a few things I need or want to do though. Setting up the little Christmas tree, getting Christmas cards and stamps, and there is a little party going on at work at 3:15 pm. At 3:15 pm the workers will stop the work and gather around in the cantine for a Sinterklaas celebration. Will tell you more about Sinterklaas tomorrow. In the cantine there will be little snacks and a few drinks, I heard every worker gets a little surprise aswell. It's actually my day off tomorrow, but a few workers asked me to come, even my Boss asked me. How can I refuse right?

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