Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Introducing: Janine.

Introducing: Janine.

I don't know if I can call her a friend, but, uhm, yeah. Let me introduce her, Janine is a friend of a couple who I know from Humanitas. That couple from Humanitas were residents from Humanitas, but have recently found a flat apartment. At Humanitas I had more 'friends' then only just that couple, we had a nice, close, tight, little group back then. They all were nice to get along with, though they all had a slightly different life style then me. Most of the residents have or had problems for a long time or perhaps a life time, drugs/alcohol, ex-partners, divorced, homeless. Back then I choose my 'friends' wisely, but still I was on my hood. None of them were to trust, none of them. It was just nice to be around them back then, probably cause they were the only one I had. At Humanitas we all had the same problem, we had no money and no home and that had to be solved with getting money again and a home, perhaps you could add a few 'things' more with some residents.

When I left Humanitas after I found me a home, I still had connections with some of the residents, aswell that 'couple.'  At the free dinners I meet most of the old residents, including that 'couple.' A few months ago a new little Family introduced them selves at the free dinners, guided by the 'couple' from Humanitas. Janine and her two young kids are weekly to find at the free dinners,three times a week. They are a nice bunch of people, with problems aswell, money! That's why they joined the free dinners. The 'couple' and Janine are pretty close, they are good friends. Though they have been trough a 'fight/issue' in the past.  And sometimes I still notice the scarfs and wounds from that fight/issue when I'm with them. It's love and hate with them. Recently I chat almost daily with Janine, I like being around her and her two kids.

Why? I don't know. Sometimes I'm asking myself the same question. I know I'm still searching for a bunch of friends, maybe that's why I like being around her and her two kids, I don't know. Maybe I 'care' to much about them, Janine is struggling alot with problems, and trying at the same time to take good care of her kids. I know I can't help them with their problems, and I know I can't help her with raising her kids well, but I can help to show I care. By sometimes going there and have a good time, or invite them over, or go out together, just being a friend. I really like that! Maybe I'm to much longing for a bunch of good friends, to much is not good my Mom used to say, lol. Perhaps I'm liking it so much to be around Janine and her kids, cause they are the only ones I have, the only one that are 'normal.' The only ones who I can chat with or invite them, or go to, ect, ect. 

Confusing right? To me it is aswell, lol. It takes time to know people, specially the people I know now, since I live in Almelo. Can I trust them? Are they good enough for me as a friend? Time will tell. One more thing, I will never, NEVER, give them money or lend them money, NO! You really have to be a SPECIAL friend to earn that from me. For now, I know what I'm doing when it comes to friends. I have a good time with Janine and her kids, plus I still have a few connections with Humanitas residents. We all meet at the free dinners, we have a little chat and we eat together, after dinner we say goodbye and then we all go our own ways. I'm on my hood when it comes to those friends, even with Janine. Though, I must say that I have a little bit more of a friend connection with Janine at the moment then with the other residents. 

It's all good, time will tell. Though I think I need to make the 'connection' a bit more less, Not be so overwhelmed or get to addicted. To be continued.... some day... 

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