Sunday, December 9, 2012

The usual Sunday cooking...

The usual Sunday cooking...

Last night when I went to bed, and I layed my head down, I remembered that I forgot to write a post, blimey! Most of the time I wait with writing a post just before going to bed, I should change that, lol. Anyway, here's the Sunday post...

Uhm, yeah, what to write on a Sunday post, there's not much going on with me or here on Sunday's, Sunday's are rest days. Feeling tired and worried that I really get enough rest, LOL! Usually I wanna take two naps, but I end up having one, otherwise I won't sleep during the night. The weather this Sunday was perfect to stay inside and rest, the rain poored down, the snow was vanished within a few hours, pity! So. yeah, I did my ironing, laundry and rested with my laptop, and oh, cooking. I love cooking during the weekends,I really take my time then, specially one Sunday. This Sunday I made 'Kip Madras,' or in English, Chicken Madras.' Let's start......

 I usually make Chicken Madras as it says on the recipe, but today I wanted to add some more vegetables. On the package it said that I can serve the recipe aswell with green pepper, leek, moyashi and a regular onion. I skipped the regular onion. It was my first time ever to prep air a leek actually, but it went fine and very easy. I think I will use leek more often, I can trade the usual regular onions I use for leek. It's cheaper aswell.

Moyashi, or as we call it in Holland, tauge. Aswell my first time to add this ingredient,  it was easy though, just opened the package and added it to the sauce on the last 5 minutes. Together with the leek and the green pepper.

The chicken breast, I chopped it in big pieces and marinated it. The marinate was in the package I bought, together with the rice and the sauce. 

The yellow rice from the package is cooking, I always start cutting the vegetables and the chicken breast first before I start with the cooking and baking. It's less stressful and I don't have to hurry things, lol.

The sauce in face one, it's chicken with a (powder) sauce mix and water (ofcource. I let it cook for a minute or two. 

The sauce in face two, after the two minutes I add the vegetables and creme fraiche, the creme is for making the sauce just a bit thicker. Smells good already.

And, tadaaa! Chicken Madras a' la me! This recipe if you do it properly can be done in 30 minutes, though I like to take my time.

I saved some aswell for Tuesday night, I always do that. I always cook for two meals. It's easy to save some in the fridge. On monday's after work I will go to the free dinner, where I always go. On Tuesday's after work there isn't a free dinner, then I will open the fridge and grab my left overs from my Sunday's cooking. It's that easy. On Wednesday's and Thursdays there's the free dinner again, Then on Friday I'll start with my own cooking again until Monday. Friday's and Saturday's I usually cook potatoes, I love potatoes.

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