Friday, January 11, 2013

What to do? What to do....

What to do? What to do....

I have written about this subject before, but there's absolutely nothing to do what actually interests me when it comes to volunteer work or any kind of 'thing' what can help me build up 'new' social contacts. Or how you call such a thing? New relatives? I'm still looking for new or other contacts, other people around me, perhaps new friends. But where to start in a city where there's not much to do? Recently I started with searching again, but I had aswell times that I nearly gave it up, or putted the searching in a pause mode. I really don't want to make the 'searching' a obsession, or a 'must!' I MUST find something or otherwise I get lonely or whatever. That's not what I want, that's not the thought that will help me, I might end up somewhere where I don't even want to be, just because I HAD to find something.

Writing about 'this' or thinking about 'this' makes my brain become in a knot, like I'm in a maze, I just can't find a solution then. This 'searching for (new) social contacts' is what I want, but I'm not daily busy with it. Fun in the searching or not get hopeless is a must, if that's not happening, I'll stop searching for a little time, and pick it up later again. 

Tonight I have been searching aswell on the internet, I found a few things but I have doubts. It was something with yoga, badminton, helping children with a handicap, and a few more. I saved the links in my favorites, I will have a look at them again tomorrow. It has to be something what interests me, otherwise it won't work. This morning my 'buddy contact' (counselor) came for a visit aswell. I'm not looking forward to his visits.

I don't know, I just don't like him that much. He should help me with finding social contacts, but he doesn't really come with ideas or tips, or help me searching. He pushed me today to come up with something (social contacts) within two weeks. Johan comes once a week, but today he told me that he will come once in two weeks now. I was glad to hear that, cause his visits aren't that help full, or that's his strategy, that might be the way he works, I don't know. That I have to come up with 'something' within two weeks made me a bit upset, "Help me then?" I thought. But maybe he's right, I only talk alot about finding new social contacts, but I don't take steps, or I don't take action. Well, almost not. I'm sure I will succeed within two weeks! But I'm not happy with the way Johan works.

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