Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Yeah, I could have that, it would make sense aswell. Sometimes a little pressure on my chest, sometimes a stabbing pain in my chest. Though, I'm not short breathed, but I sigh alot, specially after a effort. I have to take a deep breath then, and then I'm good. Ofcource I have to count my sick thyroid on that aswell, my sick thyroid does give less energy too. I'm fine with that, I have that symptom from lack of energy that long that I'm really used to it. I know what I can do and how much, I know what I'm able of. I know when I need rest and when I can give a 100%. But the 'maybe' hyperventilation is new to me, I would like to know a bit more about it. Though it doesn't bother me or stop me from doing things, hyperventilation comes from nerves and worries aswell, so yeah.

Dad's passing away gave a deep impact too, I'm not forgetting that. I will search and investigate a bit about hyperventilation on the net, just that I'm curious. Maybe some breathing exercises can help me aswell, who knows. Though I'm not in a terrible pain, I'm don't have the feeling that I'm gonna faint or worse die. I can do the things I want to do, like I usually do. I'm not worried. Work was fun today, I was on my own section, lol. Though I'm looking forward to tomorrow aswell, rest. I need it after two days of work. I really couldn't work a full week, I don't have to either. It's all I can do, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Oh, I think Spring is around the corner, cause I hear birds singing in the morning, Won't be long now!

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