Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Insert tittle."

"Insert tittle." 

There's not much to say on this Sunday. Resting, cooking, napping, yes the usual things I do on a Sunday. And I'm not even bored, I like the rest and quitness. Still 161 days before my big trip to Atlanta, I don't think I ever been that far from home. It will be a nine hour flight, I will be fine. I'm sure. Canada was far aswell but not that far as Atlanta, Canada, Toronto was a little seven hours flying. I started today with my little traveling plan program, every so now and then I will look trough it and learn from it, lol. Today I explored the site Schiphol, the airport in Amsterdam. Piece of cake! I have been there before, I just checked it out to see if there were any changes. The last time I was at Schiphol was in January 2011, coming back from Canada, sigh!

The airport in Atlanta will be slightly different, I have NEVER been there. So, it will be 'eek,' lol. But it will go fine, I suppose. I learned a little trick while being on a new airport, just check or try to memorize the other passengers while your still on the plane on your way to the new airport. Handy is aswell to have several chats with the passenger next to you, tell him or her where your going, and then tell him that your new to this airport where your flying too, lol. He or she might help you out, I had that experience in Canada. A old lady told me to walk with her, she guided me to where I had to be, nice of her!

So, once I'm in Atlanta, I will get out of the plane, follow the other passengers, (usually that goes automaticly). Passport check, still following the other passengers, then customs-check. Then get my suitcase, if I can't find the place where the suitcases are (probably sure I will) I can always ask or try to look for passengers where I have been in the plane with. Ofcource they are alot of signs aswell where I can find the place where I can pick up my suitcase, "Flight- Amsterdam/Atlanta." I will bring my pink suitcase, that one is easy to spot. Yeah, that will go well, I'm excited to go.Once I have gone trough passport check, customs and have gotten my suitcase, I will be fine.

Then when I'm outside of the airport waiting for the one in the passengers arrivers hall, Jan doesn't show up! Or I can't find her! Oh NO, worst nightmare, LOL!


jazain said...

looooool!! of course i will show up unless im in a car crash or something!!! let me tell you a couple of things. i LOVE schiphol! ive been to terminals all over the world and it is THE best.
second thing..atlanta airport is HUGE! it is officially been voted the busiest airport in the world. and busy it is. dont follow everyone as they are going in all sorts of directions. is your flight straight in from europe? or do you have to change in usa anywhere? if its a non stop flight then youre good, because everyone else will be checking into customs too. the people are super nice and helpful and there's an employee everywhere! said...

So, so, so, so, sorry for the late comment back Jana, LOL! lately I just write a post and just let it, aswell my blog, how you call it? dashboard has a new layout, so I can't see directly who commennts on my posts.

I have been worried over this trip, but that all way back behind me now, don't ask whY I was worried, lol. I noticed that the airport in Atlanta is huge, but I will find my way trough it all, even though it takes me a whole night, lol. Just kidding, My flight is a straight flight, from Amsterdam straight to Heart/Field/Jackson.

I made already a little list where to go and how to get there, it's quit easy. Yeah, direct flights are easier on Heart/Field/Jackson.

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