Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Making plans for the weekend.

Making plans for the weekend. 

Should I go out, or should I stay close to home this weekend? There's that huge event again on Saturday, the biggest record fair in Europe in Utrecht. I been there several times, but I'm not sure if I'm going this time, probably not. Why? I don't know, it's mostly the same and I think I saw it now, been there so many times. I rather go somewhere else. This record fair has aswell a huge antique fair, I'm sure I talked about it before on here. This event is twice a year, so, I can always go later this year. I need to save up some money for more important things. Like new shoes, lol.

A month before our Summer vacation we always get 'vacation money,' a little bit of money where we can spend just a bit more money as usual. I received it last year too, my job pays out the vacation money. If I wouldn't had a job I would get vacation money from Social Services, not that much as I get from work, but it's something. I will get some nice, new shoes from that money, plus I will buy a few gifts when I go on my trip to Atalanta/Georgia US. Gifts for my Friend Jan and her kids. Just some small gifts what I'm sure they will like. Relaxed about the trip? Yeah, I'm good. 
A few groceries aswell today, I'm such a daredevil on a bicycle, lol That's a full bag their.

I can't almost believe it when I think about it to long. Excited feeling.  The third visit to my therapist was a success, she complimented me many times about how I describe my breathing. I know it all, 'You could be a therapist, you know it so well what's going on with your breathing,' she told me. I had my moments of 'highly breathing' for such a long time that I got used to it. By knowing every detail, it gives a relief but the highly breathing is still there so now and then. Though not that pain full anymore, I know what it is.

The therapist gave me a few new excessive to practice at home, I'll do my best! Next week a new appointment. Oh I got soaking wet when I took of to the therapist, and I even had my rain clothing on, lol. On my way back it was dry thank God. The weather is getting better though, we need the rain, that's alright. Upcoming Sunday we will get 19 degrees! Spring is struggling, but it's getting there. Yeah, it's bed time once again, tomorrow early up. I had two naps today, wow, I guess it was needed. I could easily had a third nap, but no. I had to save some sleep for this night.

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