Monday, April 1, 2013

Second Easter day!

Second Easter day! 

Four days off is really enough for me, lol. Tomorrow is back to work again, happy? Yeah, happy. Last Friday we celebrated 'Good Friday,' which occurs two days before Easter Sunday. It's a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. Yesterday and today we celebrated Easter, just like in the rest of the world, only we and some other countries are having two days of Easter celebrating. It's been good, and I'm stuffed, lol. Sugar bread and chocolate, I need some exercise! A good, firm walk after lunch or dinner would have been a good idea, but I didn't. I should have. 

One and a half meter wide and one meter high! Mooh!
Today I went out aswell, though not that long. I avoided the crowd by going early to the garden centre. I bought a nice picture/painting, the red wall in my house is officially done. I doubted for a long time what to put on that red wall. I already had a painting on that wall from a few sheep's. Beside the sheep painting was placed a white clock. Yeah, was. I got rid of the clock and put the new painting there. The neq painting is huge, and has three cows, LOL! Farmish, lol. I saw many other nice stuff, but my wallet said, no! Saving some money for a pair of shoes, it's needed. Probably next month I will buy a pair. 

This wall iss done, probably in the near future when the red wallpaper gets old, I will paint this wall red again.
Bringing the new painting home was not that easy, one hand on the steering wheel and in the other hand the new painting. The hard wind was a obstacle aswell, ugh, but I made it. After hanging the painting I took off to the free dinner, a special 'Easter dinner.' The table was nicely decorated and the food was good, as always. Potatoes with fresh green beans, plus a chicken leg. Beside it there were several salads. Stuffed, once again. Such festive days can really stuff up your stomach, lol. The sugar bread what I got from work is half done. Burp!

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