Sunday, December 19, 2010

A day as usual...

A day as usual...

In the middle of the night I heard the micro-wave going on, I thought for few seconds "Who could that be'? Then I knew it was Saf. She probably decided to come back from Mississauga and not stay the night with her friend. I turned around in my bed and fell asleep again. I was so tired! 

9:30 am I woke up and got up. The last few days are going okay, everyone is doing there thing and so was I. Safa woke up later and I was curious how her 'karaoke' evening was. She was in a good mood so, I asked her how her evening was, "It was nice and fun" she said. Sigh! I miss Mississauga's  karaoke. Later today Safa wanted a talk with me about a thing she mentioned earlier. It was about a single bed for me, cause she wants to have her private space too now. (I still slept in 'our' bed) I have in this house where we live a so called 'computer room', it's a small room where I have my computer and music equipment. It's tiny but a single bed would fit in it.

I was a bit disappointed but it's understandable for her to have her privacy aswell, Saf wants to do some big changes in the house. I felt embarrassed cause the kids might think, "Why is Daddy sleeping here?" Saf answered "When they will ask that or mention something, I will talk to them". Why is it so hard again? cause I was just getting used to the situation. Sigh! The day went on and the two Mom's were cleaning 'big' time. Whenever that is going on I would like to help out, but usually I always walk in the way, and it's never good if I do something at that cleaning moment, lol! I did some dishes and one load of laundry. 

The evening came and I had a bit of a misunderstanding, My plan was to go to Tim Hortons with Dako, but Dako had planned that he wanted to go with Tam aswell, (what I didn't know of) cause Tam works at Tim Hortons and she had something to bring there. So, I asked Dako "what time you wanna go". "Let me first charge up the Ipod and then we go" he answered. Tam responded "I need to go too, but someone needs to watch my three year old daughter". I told her "Why don't Dakota and I go first and we will be back shortly and then you go"  (cause I already had planned to go with Dako, but, uhm, but Dako planned aswell with Tam, what I didn't know off) Tam didn't respond, and Dako was done with charging his Ipod, I went upstairs to get ready. 

When I came downstairs Tam went to her room, and Dako told me "Here's the plan, Tam and I go to Tim Hortons and you watch her daughter for a bit, when we come back we will go to BMO, cause I need to go there". I said "Okay". But I actually didn't want that, I'm not responsible for her daughter, and I didn't wanna walk all over to BMO (it's a 40 min. walk) I was upset but didn't say a word. When they came back Dako asked me "Are you ready? let's go". I said, "I'm tired, let's go tomorrow" I wasn't in the mood. I never knew about Dako and Tammy's plan to go to Tim Hortons. Sigh!  Later on I heard 'it' from Saf. Why didn't they just tell me? I wouldn't be upset then. Sigh!

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