Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Your daily Horoscope...

Your daily Horoscope

Tension may build today if you aren't careful about how you use your words, Aquarius. Remember that forces are trying to push you one way and pull you another. You may encourage a focus on the collective while others seem too worried about themselves. Yet another force is calling for outdated remedies and traditional structures that no longer suit your purposes. Blaze your own trail.

Interesting Horoscope today, I was on my hood and spoke every word carefully LOL. naah! just was on my hood. I woke up like usually and looked who was awake. (kids needed to go to school) Saf was up and awake! woot! Cleo was up aswell and Tammy came a bit later. So there was not that much to do.

I made the kids lunches last night. I made myself breakfast and helped out where I could. Saf drove Cleo to her babysitting job and came back later with two bags of grocery. She must be tired. "First some breakfast and then sleep" she said. The three year old went with her.

After my breakfast I putted the dishes in dish soap, and went upstairs on my computer. I confirmed with a place to stay in Holland, yay! There a nice couple living in Almelo (that's 20 minutes from my town) There both in there 40's and they seem nice. I asked them when I can come,cause I still don't have a date when I arrive. "you can come whenever your able too" they said.

That's a tiny little relief from my heart. So many things still to arrange though. (sigh) But I'm taking it step by step, I'm trying not to worry here. My next step is to get money for the flight and book it. I think I will be gone here within 2 or 3 weeks, or maybe even sooner, sigh!! It's still unreal, I asked my Aunt if they could ask my Dad again for money, it's so hard to ask but I'm in need! I made a deal aswell with Saf.

She wants to buy my computer and my antique chair. The deal is, Saf will ship some stuff for me to Holland and then she get the computer for free. Sounds like a deal to me. I got 2 bikes, 5 crates of lp's and boxes full of singles, cd's and dvd's, and some garden tools. That's a lot less then I had to ship from Holland to Canada.

Saf was nice today,she even showed me a site with cheap flights to Holland. "It's better to search for round trips, these are alot cheaper" she said. We looked both for some flights. "As soon as I get the money, hopefully in a few days, I want to book the  flight with you" I said. "cause your better in it then me". It was time for dinner and we, (Saf and I) were eating with the kids. It was cozy and comfy. I like it this way, I think it will make it easier on us for both.

I noticed something today, I think Saf is thinking that I talk alot with her friends on Facebook, to make her feel bad or for me to win souls, but I'm not. Yes, I talk to  a few of them, but they come to me first , and ofcource I'm tempted to talk about the things what's going on, I have non one to talk to in the house, but I'm trying  hold myself in. I don't wanna ruin my friends or her friends. Things can be so sensitive to say sometimes.

After dinner I did some dishes and Saf did some other stuff, she even petted my back for a while when I made a little joke, I was surprised and I thought "Huh"? Saf was being friendly, and is showing she cares. I'm not complaining.

I had alot of emails from My Aunt today, explaining me why my Dad is ignorant to me. I asked my Aunt in the morning "Why is my Dad doing so ignorant, I wish he wasn't like that". My Aunt replied "How would you feel, if someone promises you that you come to visit and you don't show up." I replied and said "I know I promised my Dad that I would come over a few times, but I didn't had money for the flights, and Sharon needs her rent-money too"  I apologized a few times.

My Aunt will go to my Dad again to ask him what's going on and perhaps asking for the money I need.

Hopefully tomorrow!

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