Thursday, March 24, 2011

So much information... So much to do....

So much information... So much to do....

Another full day, I started the day with being tired and sleepy. Usually I wake up at 5:00 when I go to work, I lay and roll around then till 5:15 and then get up. (I know it's early) It's my way of waking up and taking my time, I turn on the laptop and make my sandwiches for work and breakfast. This morning I fell asleep two times after I woke up at 5:00, I was tired. I planned myself three days of relaxation the comming days after work, cause it's needed. Work was fine today, only a slow start cause of the tiredness. Like I said yesterday, a lady from UWV will come to visit me for a conversation at work, and she came early this morning! She was there just a bit after 8:00 am.

We talked about me ofcource, we talked about my working background and a bit about my personal  life, how I am and how I feel, my health, what I'm able off, etc, etc, just to get to know me. This lady from UWV will guide me to a next good paying job. I wanted this conversation to be perfect, so I really needed to pay attention. Saying the right things and not just a 'yes' or a 'no,' I would like to end up with a nice job what really fits me. And not a job that I will quit or have to quit in a month or two months. The talk went fine and I was happy with the results, the only thing I need is to write a proper resume for the lady, she asked for it, someone from Humanitas will help me with that.

I almost fell asleep while taking my lunch, I was still tired. Later on I felt better, and not so sleepy. The weather was nice but not so warm as yesterday, yesterday we had 16 degrees, today we had 14. It was a bit cloudy aswell. After work I had to rush a bit to be on time for the free dinner, we still have the free dinners every Wednesday and Thursdays. The free dinners are at the church what is 20 minutes walking distance from Humanitas. After dinner I had another meeting with my Humanitas counseler, (Linda) We usually go trough my mail and trough the things I still need to do, important things what will get me back on track. Yesterday I had  good news from ING for my online banking, I waited almost 6/7 weeks for this. 

ING gave me my new password and my new users name. I specially waited with logging in on my ING account until the meeting with my counselor. I thought we will do it together, cause the online banking wasn't only handy for me in the future, I needed to copy my bank statements from the last three months aswell from my account. The bank statements will be taken with me tomorrow to CWI for proof, to get my extra money where I have right on. It took such a long time to accomplish this, thanks ING! Me and my counselor dashed trough my bank statements after we logged in and we copied right away not only from the last three months but aswell  from the last one and a half year. 

We saw alot of suprises while going trough those bank statements, geesh! I forgot alot of things what I had to stop while I was moving to Canada! There was the monthly care- allowence what I always had before I went to Canada, I had to stop that allowance cause I planned to move overseas ofcource. The company who payed me this care-allowance didn't know I moved overseas and they payed me every month a amount of money while I was in Canada. I didn't have the right on that money cause I was in Canada. It was the excact same thing with my monthly rent-allowance, I had to stop that aswell cause of the moving overseas. They payed me aswell every month while I was in Canada. It feels so bad! 

While Saf, Ab and me were in Holland in October 2009, we had a busy month cause Saf helped me out with the moving, (stopping the rent, the asurance, the electricity, you name it) I did it all by phone and I wrote letters, me and Saf took care of it that everything was confirmed. We even went trough bankstatements to see what we had to stop. But aswell we were busy with selling my personal belongings and ofcource the packing plus stuff that had to be shipped. Busy was a small word in that month, it was hectic till the last minute till we sat in the plane. We were sure we didn't forget anything, now when I see the bankstatements I see I forgot some things. Sigh! My counselor and I called that allowance company and they told me they will will send me a mail with what they will do about it. Paying it back or not. Another sigh! 

Aswell what we saw in the bank statements were some things that could bring good news, (hopefully) There were some companies with asurances that I had stopped and they called me and confirmed that they stopped the asurances. Now I saw that they didn't stopped it at all , cause my counselor saw the payments still be payed after October 2009, and in October I called these companies with the message that I'm going to move overseas. So, I still payed them every month from October 2009 untill July 2010! I can call them and ask them to pay me back that money, cause they have no right to let me pay this monthly money while I stopped these allowances cause  I moved  overseas. 

This day ended hectic cause of all the information I have got tonight, I wrote everything down what needed to be done tomorrow and what can wait a little while. Tomorrow for sure the asking for the 'extra money,' I need to do something about my monthly money what I get, it's not enough to come around. This money is under the  minimum wage. I got my files and everything else I need ready, CWI here I come, finally!  The rest for the night I will relax with a large mug of coffee!  it's been a long (satisfied) day. 

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