Sunday, March 13, 2011

What to do on a Sunday...

What to do on a Sunday...

Sunday is rest day, and I rested big time. I had two naps, I was so sleepy today. I hope I will get some sleep tonight tough after these naps. I have been reading alot aswell today, on the laptop that is. I searched for relationship forums, yep! Maybe I shouldn't but, I just did, and perhaps I get some tips out of it. Counseling online, LOL! I saw some helpfull posts what could help me, I think I'm on the right pad but, I'm slightly interested in what others have to say about there break up. I will copy and paste a few lines... Here we go...

"No one can completely stop thinking about their ex after only one month."

"You really need to develop the mindset that: your ex is not a part of your life anymore. What she or he is doing or planning is none of your business. You need to focus on yourself and yourself only."

"The more you think about, "Oh what should I do that'll make me forget about her", the more you'll think about her. But the more you think of, "I don't really care", the more independant you'll get." 

"I finally went on my euro trip that I always wanted to do, and I'm focusing on myself, and travelling, which is really helping.. Its like taking a huge break after a long long long long chapter of my life.."

"Well, you got what you deserved for looking her up online. Use that memory so that you are not tempted to search for her next time."

"Get yourself busy and get into to shape. Focus on yourself and your goals. The past is gone and your future is ahead!!"

"Cutting contact meant that I had only to deal with the pile of pain already on my plate. No new shocks to the system."

These were my favorites, and I will keep them in mind. Some lines were so recognizable, and that made me feel good. I guess I'm not the only one, right?  Anyway, on with this day and telling you what's on my schedule this week. I'm glad this Sunday is going fast, Sunday's are boring here, but you knew that already. I have something akward to tell, and I shouldn't even tell it but, hmm. Alright, here we go! My bum-bone hurts, all the way down on my back, lower then low. (errmm) There's a bone there and it hurts. I think I know where it's comming from. Wrong sitting position behind the laptop...

I always sit on the bed with my back against the wall and a big pillow behind it, It's nice and soft, but sitting to long like that, hurts my bum. (blush) I turn around and try to avoid then my pain, ussualy if I move around it hurts a bit less. (can't believe I'm writting this, lol!) So, yeah everytime I sit on the bed with my laptop, there is this pain. I tried today to sit on a chair with my laptop, and I must say it's feels a bit better. But still I'm not happy with it, what on earth is a good position to sit behind a computer or laptop? Is the matrass to soft? Should I sit more straight up? I don't know... 

Anyway, it's 5:20 pm now, soon I will make me some dinner. What? I don't know yet. I had a good big lunch at noon, so, I guess I will make something light. This week my schedule is almost fully full, Monday there is the work, Tuesday a half day of work and then the dentist. Wednesday is my resting day, but I will prolly get some mail from ING, so I can get to work with my extra money. Thursday is again a working day, and Friday, I don't know yet. This week I want/must buy a little present for Tasn, cause in April it's her Birthday. The mail will take atleast 2 or 3 weeks to arrive. 

If I have it right with the date, it's the 6th or the 7th of April for Tasn's Birthday, she will turn 8. (woot!) Tasn is a sweetheart and has always a VERY special place in my heart, I learned her so many things and we spent so much fun time together. I can't believe she's already turning 8! She's such a cutie, she for sure needs a nice special present. I will write here a birthday card, and give her a little present, and a big present, for sure something special. I miss her!!

This comming Thursday someone from GAK (the company who sents me every month my money) will come to my work, that someone will talk to me about re-intergration. They work with a project where I work now. I started this project not only to get my mind of the situation where I was in, but aswell to see what I can do, what I'm able of to do. I really want a proper job, a job what fits me. 

Reha is perfect for me, they look at your skills and how much work you can do, and from there you can go re-intergrate to the next job. So, like I said, Thursday someone from Gak will come to have a talk about re-intergration, the re-intergration will lead me to a better job, a paying job! I'm taking it easy though, step by step, that's my motto!

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