Monday, April 25, 2011

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. ~William Shakespeare

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.  ~William Shakespeare

I like the quote above, cause it's true and it's the best thing to do. Although it's sometimes not that easy to 'love all' here at Humanitas, but I try. Recently the behaviour of some residents are quit violent and nasty, and all because of the alcohol. As you know Frank is almost every weekend invited by Johannus to have a sleepover and have a good time. I don't mind the good time, but recently it's all about drinking and making fun afterwards. As you know drinking isn't alowed here at Humanitas. First you will get a warning and then you have to deliver all your drinks, and with the second warning you will be banned out of the building for 24 hours, no mercy! 

Like I said recently it's getting out of hand with the alcohol, the guys are making alot of noise and it looks like there being agressive and violent. Fire alarms are being pushed, and nasty pranks are being played. Oh I'm such a tattletale! But it's only alowed here, right? I have been invited too alot of times, to have a drink and have a good time. I don't mind, to have a good time and have a few drinks. A few months ago it was just innocent what we did, Frank, Johannus and me together in Johannus's room and just have a fun time. Just sitting there and have a fun talk and make jokes. Nothing went wrong, but I have a rule with myself, If I had enough alcohol I will stop. Frank and Johannus seem to don't understand my rule, and try to let me have one more drink. But when I say no, it's a no!

Most of the guys here are though or act though when there with each other. I don't like it that much that though behaviour, it's not me, I don't act like that, it's not my character. As I see it it's allacting, they all want to be a part of each other, I see right trough it. I really like the guys, cause some have such a good taste of humour. When your alone with them, I mean under four eyes there the best buddies, but together in a group and they consume  alcohol the macho and though behaviour seems to level up more and more. Violent talk, nasty jokes, though stories, childish behaviour. I try to describe there behaviour but it's difficult. Last weekend I was invited too for a drink at Johannus's room, we sat outside tough. After that night I thought to myself,  "I had enough, no more for me."

Frank had already enough alcohol, but drunk more and more , Johannus was sober but planned a drink later, cause he had to drive. Where Johannus is, is his 7 year old Son too. Ricardo is his name, the one I play sometimes soccer with. He can be a pain sometimes, you can blame the ADHD. Johannus doesn't seem to care that much about his Son being with him so much , he told me once "He never listens, so why would I try over and over again." Frank would like be involved in Ricardo's behaviour and tells Johannus what to do with him. "You should give him a week with me," he yells. That's wrong in my eyes, cause it's not Frank's child. Frank knows this he told me, but sometimes he just can't look at it what Ricardo's Father let him all alow.

Anyway, after we played a game of soccer in the small backyard behind the Humanitas building. (being loud and shoot the ball many times to hard.) we went to Johannus's room, it was already late. A woman and another guy were invited too, I forspelled the worse and I rather didn't go,with them. But I went, cause they might get angry with me. (sigh) When we walked in Johannus's girlfriend was sitting behind the computer, the youngest one was sleeping already,he is 2 years old. What do you mean being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Johannus's girlfriend gave already a certain look towards Johannus, being not happy with the visits. Frank was drunk, Johannus had a beer, I took one too to not dissapoint them but surely it was the last one.

The woman was talking much and didn't feel comfy with the drunk Frank and tipsy Johannus and talked to me and walked many times to Johannus's girl for a talk. Ricardo (the 7 year old Son) was being loud and didn't wanna listen, it was way past his bedtime. Frank got annoyed, and told Johannus that if it was his kid he would have smacked him, like his Dad did to him, "That's the way you get respect for your parents," he shouts! Frank brings the smacking part story alot of times up since I know him. I don't like the smacking story, it hurts me, why on earth would you hit a kid? It's better to talk to the kid, tell him it's not right what you do, and if he doesn't listen then take him apart and have a talk again Or send him to his room, and have a talkmafterwards. Talking is way better then smacking or hitting, you don't hit a child!

Tattle, tattle.

The evening went on and Frank and Johannus made little jokes towards the woman behind her back, Johannus's girlfriend disliked it ofcource, giving certain looks towards the guys. And I think the woman noticed it too, but didn't wanna mention it, apearantly afraid of a conflict.The woman stood up and told everyone, "I't's already late I'm going to bed." At that point I saw my chance to hit the sack too and be out of the room. I stood up and told the same thing, "I'm going to bed." Frank offered me another drink but I refussed ofcource. A relief felt from my shoulders when I walked out of there room, I realized that I had enough of all this and will back down more often when it comes to invites. There are other guys aswell who stay in there rooms and do other stuff to enjoy them selve, beside being loud and drunk. And still they are good friends (hmm) with everyone, so why can't I? Right?

I'm looking forward to the resident meeting this comming wednessday, I really hope for new rules, tougher rules,rules with no mercy. This behaviour really got to change under the residents, I would like to have a peacefull atmosphere, where I don't have to hide for invites by some certain residents. And I think the alcohol got to stop, some have a certain kinda trick to get the alcohol inside the building, (tattle,tattle) they put the alcohol in the trunk from there cars, or they put them in the kids school backpags. (ofcource they don't let the kids walk with it) Another trick is to put Bacardi or Rum or any kind of booze into a pop or soda bottles, mixing ittogether with the pop or soda. Anyway, this got to change, the staff here noticed it that the atmosphere here is going out of hand, and I can see it too. I cross my fingers for wednessday. 

Second Easter day. 

This day went well, I'm glad though that tomorrow is a working day. There was just nothing to do here, nothing has been organized. The weather was good, alot of sunshine and it was HOT!  Johannus went out with his family and Frank. (ppffeeww) It gives a certain kinda rest when there gone, a relief. Johannus can be tough and rude, although it might be all a joke like his girlfriend admitss, but I don't like it that anymore, and more with me. Last week he has been called a few times in the office about being so rude to everyone, "It is the way I am, I can't help it," he says. When you talk to him alone he's a nice guy and he's friendly. But in a group he teases the weak ones.

On with this day, I spent alot of time on my laptop and sat a few hours in the sun. My counselor is here aswell, she talked to me a bit and I asked her if we had a appointment this week. She told me "No, not really, things are going smoothly." She asked me for a bill what had to be payed this week, she wanted to take care of that cause I didn't had time tomorrow cause of my work. Second thing  important this week, my throid medication. I really have to buy them this comming wednessday, Cause Thursday I will be out of medication. I will spend the Wednessday for this, maybe in the morning or in the afternoon. Morning is best I guess, so I can have a rest afterwards.

1 comment: said...

your post didn't shoe up twice,yay! It's okay! About me, Frank and Johannus your absolutly right. I noticed this already weeks ago and I thought to myself, "I need to keepmy distance, cause this isn't funny anymore." Although I must say they can be friendly too and fun. But I get your point Jana, I guess in a way they have been raized this way, raized with the wrong people and friends.

Like I said, some of these people here at Humanitas are not my kind of people, most of them have a background. Yesyerday with the resident meeting the behaviour between the residents have been spoken trough, it got to change! And I hope it will.

Don't worry, I wont get in trouble. I can share or find a solution for my lonelyness somewhere else or with someone else. I know when it get's to much. Although I must say I need to learn to say 'No,'for a invite when I don't feel for it.

What am I afraid of? If I think of that, I don't know the answer. Maybe it's the fact that I'm afraid to refuse them, so what if they get dissapointed or mad. right?

Thanks for the concern Jana! You didn't offend me but shared your thoughts about this,and I appreciate that, thanks!

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