Friday, May 20, 2011

"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."

"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."

Yes, a little subject about children again, I can't help it. I see two little kids running and wondering around here at Humanitas, and many times I chooked my head. This place is NOT  a good inviroment for kids, they see bad things from older people here what they shouldn't be seeing. Bad language, sometimes drinking, argues and issues, etc, etc. Kids need to play, kids need to see what kids may see, Kids need to be kids and play with other kids from there own age.The only good thing about it now, the Humanitas staff and the parents are going to do something about this. Ricardo has ADHD, and sometimes the residents gives him candy (wrong!) Today after the coffee break a staff member asked me if I give Ricardo sometimes candy, I told her, no. And the talk continued, it grabs me if they talk about Ricardo, it grabs me aswell if I see his parents parenting him the wrong way, or in a way I would have do it differently. But, who am I? I shouldn't be even involved in it. But like I said it grabs me to see Ricardo suffer.

But okay, they are working on it, and if they need my help, I will sure help. On with this day, it's been a uhm, not a busy day but a full day. I had a litte rest around noon, but further the day was fully full. First the coffee-break, it was nice outside, so we sat outside. Sun was shinning and it wasn't cold at all. After the coffee-break I needed to go to the 'new' doctor. I filled in the paper what he gave me yesterday and brought it to the first desk at the doctor's, but I forgot something "Sigh," the doctor needed aswell a copy of my passport like he told me yesterday. Oh well, I told the accistance that I will come back in the afternoon with that copy, I'm so forgetable sometimes. I needed to do more this day, but it was almost time for the second coffee-break and after that I want a nap, it's been a full week,witch work and such. 

When I got back some of the staff members were busy with the garden, cleaning and shoveling. I and Johannus helped out aswell, for a bit. The staff made aswell two sandbuckets for the chigarettes left overs. (or how do you call them) It's the summer and the residents are sitting more and more outside, smoking. They don't have anything to put the left ciggs left overs in, yeah, we have ashtrays but there inside. The sandbuckets will come in handy. It was time for my nap, I was exhausted. But I couldn't catch my sleep, I layed on my bed for an hour, then I got up cause someone knocked on my door. It was Daniel, (a resident) he needed toiletpaper, I gave him the half roll I had in my closet. We do borrow sometimes from each other, LOL! 

After my lunch Johannus offered me to give me a ride to my doctor, (copy, passport) cause he needed to get his kid from school. It's the youngest one, and also the naughtiest one, he's in kindergarten. The visit to the doctor was easy, I handed in the copy and that was it. Off we went to get the little one from kindergarten, Johannus parked the car infront of the play-yard, so we both could see the kids playing. Johannus went out of the car and I stayed in the car. He said hello to his little one, and I saw more Mothers and Fathers comming. The kids run to there parents to say hello, it was nice to see that happening, but aswell a bit hard. Just wishing I was standing there with a kid from me running towards me and then a hug and a 'hello.' Oh those Father feelings, LOL! 

When we got back at Humanitas Ricardo stood there waiting for us, when he saw us he run to me and gave me the biggest hug ever. It reminded me that Johannus told me more then once, "One day I'm gonna adopt you in our Family," he says it with a big smile. Ricardo really likes me, but I know aswell that I have to keep my distance, cause I'm not his Father. Johannus seems to don't mind, aslong he has a good time, it's all good he must be thinking. Sometimes it bothers me a bit to be that much around them, one of the residents told me once, "Your always around with this Family," I told him, "Yes, so?" Sometimes it's good to take these residents not that serious. He might be right, but aslong we have a good time with each other, it's all good. And were not at Humanitas forever, what's wrong with having a good time in thiss short time? Right? I wish we  all could be like that.

Sometimes the residents we eat together. Tonight I ated dinner with Johannus's Family and Daniel, we had hamburger sandwisches. I bought the desserts and the sandwisches, I eat alot with Johannus, and it gives me a bad feeling I can't do much back. But this time I could, so, this time I had a good feeling. Johannus his girlfriend had to go to another city in the evening, it was more then a 30 minute drive. Jo' asked me to come, and I went, cause I hadn't much to do. The drive was good but a bit chaotic. I had flashbacks from my time in Canada, running and flying everywhere trough the day, welcome to a big family! I'm glad I got used to it, it came in handy today, and I saw it came in handy many times.

When we dropped Jo's girlfriend of we drove back, and me and Jo took care of the kids. The youngest one was putted to bed right away and slept within 10 minutes, like always. He's so easy with that. Ricardo could stay up a bit longer but went to bed by himself in a hour. Me and Jo's plan was that Jo would drive back to pick up his girlfriend at 9:30, and I stay with the kids, I offered this towards Jo. Otherwise we had to wake the kids up again, and it was already late. When Jo took off Ricardo was still awake, and he asked me to join him in bed for a little chat. That was alright with me, sometimes I think to myself that I have to keep my distance also, and that goes well. I need to try to keep the balance between 'what's right, and what's wrong, that's not a problem either. But just that sometimes like I said yesterday, it grabs me sometimes what I see what's happening here with Ricardo. 

He was laying underneath his blanket and I layed next to him above the blankets, we played some word games, and we had fun, it calms him. The chat went a bit rougher or emotionally when we played another word game called, 'Name three things. Ricardo 'started off and asked me, "Name three things why you like me," I answered, "Cause I think your a sweet guy, even though your naughty, I like you cause your cute, and I like you cause you like me." I played it safe, cause he's still a kid, I can't tell him to much. It was my turn, I asked him, "Name three things why do you like me?" he answered, "Cause you play football with me, you go to the park with me, and you are very nice." He obliviously liked the game cause he went on and on, in the end I had to stop him cause he went to deep, he can't work that all out, he's still a kid.

Two things what Ricardo told me, made me almost shed a little tear. He didn't asked me but he came up with the question by himself, he told me three things what he didn't like about his Father. He didn't like it when Papa hits him so now when he's naughty, he didn't like the rough voice and the cursing of his Papa, and he didn't like when Papa is rough with his Mama.
This was the time I had to stop Ricardo, I hugged him, told he's sweet and I explained him  why his Mom and Dad love him . Sigh! "I have one more thing to tell," he whispered, "I don't like it that I have adhd." I told him, "It's alright." So now and then I have it hard with keeping  my distance. But when I can't handle it anymore, I keep my distance automaticly, it's not healty for me to get to much emotionally involved. Not only for me but aswell for Ricardo and his Mom and Dad. I do love this cute little fellow though, that won't change.

So far, I'm alright and I know what to do, and what I can do and can't do. If it's getting to chaotic then I will switch things over. I can go on and on about Jo's family, but I know when to stop when it's getting to much. I have other things to do aswell, important things for myself. So far, it's all good! 

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