Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Just another Sunday, Oh yaaa, just another Sunday, Just another Sunday, oh yaaa."

"Just another Sunday, Oh yaaa, just another Sunday, Just another Sunday, oh yaaa."

Sundays are fine, every shop is closed only the gasstations are open. So If you want to spend money there is an option to do so. Usually I get my grocery inside before the Sunday, so I won't get stuck. I'm feeling a bit better then yesterday, yesterday I felt tired and had alot of naps. Today I'm better, I had a good sleep and a nice shower. It's grey outside and it's only 16 degrees, tomorrow we will get a few degrees above that, I miss the warm weather. Like I said yesterday I had a appointment with Paula my counselor, my 'almost arranges everything for me,' I couldn't have maniched things without her. She's a busy woman, I always thank her after an appointment. Yesterday we talked about my money and my work.

I should have an appointment with that 'other' lady from Gak, remember? About what the chances were for me for re-intergration. Like I said, I'm already busy with re-intergration at Reha. Well, that lady chancelled the appointment last Thursday and I had to call her for another appointment, I tried to call her but she didn't answer her phone. It's the weekend now, so I guess I have to call her Monday, Paula told me that I could do that, but if you don't then that's not a crime either, I sure will get another appointment. I will see what I do tomorrow.

Peter the pig!
My healt-usurance, I recieved  the bills by mail from the last three months (appointments) from the dentist and it's quit alot of money what I have to pay. Ofcource twice a rootcanal threatment is expensive. My usurance will pay atleast 75% of the bill, and I have to pay the rest, (deductible) still, it's quit alot. Further I had to pay the monthly money for my health-usurance, what I 'have' to pay ofcource every month. Now I would like to change something in my healt-usurance, I have a extra dentist-usurance within the package of my healt-usurance. In that usurance you can choose a package, there's package one, two, three, and four. In package one I get 25% back from the money I pay for the dentist threatments, in package two I get , 50%, In package three, 75% and 100% in package four. 

At the moment I'm in package three so I get 75% back, Now the last three months being back in Holland I had alot of threatments at the dentist, (Bad teeth, I didn't went to the dentist for about three years in Canada, but I brushed my teeth daily though, lol) I'm thinking about going a package higher, from three to four, so I will get 100% back. I will have to pay fifteen Euro more then in the month but it's sure worth it. It all has to do with deductible, I have to pay to much still for my teeth threatments. I will ask this upcomming Wednessday at my healt-usurance if that's possible, then I can tell them right away that I found a new Doctor, they need to know that. 

~Do you remember this?

....I forgot alot of things what I had to stop while I was moving to Canada! There was the monthly care-allowence what I always had before I went to Canada, I had to stop that allowance cause I planned to move overseas ofcource. The company who payed me this care-allowance didn't know I moved overseas and they payed me every month a amount of money while I was in Canada. I didn't have the right on that money cause I was in Canada. It was the excact same thing with my monthly rent-allowance, I had to stop that aswell cause of the moving overseas. They payed me aswell every month while I was in Canada.

The care allowance has to be payed back, remember I told about the 76 Euro I have to pay every month till I get to the amount of money they want me to pay back? This paying back will take me 2 years, and I have to start with the paying the 1st of May. Now here's the thing, I asked again for care allowance every month, just like I had before I went to Canada. and they agreed, I will get every month care-allowance (70 Euro). AND I have to pay back every month care allowance (76 Euro). Are you still there? So I will get nothing but I also don't have to pay anything, right? right. 

"I want bread!!"
~And this?

....Today I had a appointment with Linda (my counsiler) and an old usurance man, who usuranced me since I have been living on my own, I know him now for more then 7 years. He's a good bussines man and knows how to sell things. I had a few usurances with him, they were the life-usurance, the contents-usurance. and the burial-usurance. These usurances have all been stopped when I went to Canada for good, (Oct. 2009) I didn't need them anymore and I can't use them in Canada. I even signed for it to stop the usurances, but a few months ago I noticed and saw on my bankstatements from the last 3 months, (I asked for these statements 2 months ago, cause I needed them for my income) that these usurances still have been paid untill May 2010. Paula and I wondered why these usurances been going on till that date.

Paula made an appointment with the man where I had these usurances with, and today he came. We would like to know if we still can get some money back, cause I stopped these usurances  almost 2 years ago. That wasn't possible cause they already have been stopped automaticly in May 2010, but there kinda still open to be re-opend (are you still there?) It felt and sounded like a puzzle what he all said. " You need to call the company, I can't do that here for you now," said the usurance man. So, all the usurances has been (kinda) stopped and we needed to know if we still can get some money from these usurances. (policy) We didn't want these usurances to be re-opened or start new ones. Paula called the company to see if we can get some money back, it took a while, but in the end... We got some money back! Yay! It was alot of money! 

Within 2 weeks I will get mail from the usurance company with the total amount of money what I will recieve, then I have to fill in a paper what I have to send back. Then within 10 days (the company told me) the amount of money will be standing on my bank account! 

Now, I'm still waiting for that mail! I don't even know how much money I get, yeah, alot but how much? They said two weeks, the time is urgent. Cause my plan was to pay the whole sum of money of the care-alowance guild before the 31st of May. At that date I need to start paying for my care alowance, every month 76 Euro. Tomorrow is the 31st of May. Paula asked me to call them upcomming Wednessday to inform about this mail and the money what I should becomming. Maybe I will do it earlier, I will see, eeek! I so don't like making phonecalls! In the meanwhile I will start paying the 76 Euro from tomorrow on monthly. Hello? 

A Heron caught by my camera.

A Dutch little Farmer's house.
 The day is ending and it was an alright day, although I can spend only one hour in the week with Ricardo, and one hour in the weekend, I still see them alot. Ricardo knocks on my door quit often, sometimes he's alone and sometimes Johannus is with him. You can say I spend more time with them then other residents, I don't do it on purpose though, it just happens. Ricardo needs to spend alot time with his son, but so now and then, Johannus is asking me aswell to join him for a walk or for a car ride. Today we went to the children's farm, and that was nice. And we cooked dinner together. hmm, it's a bit much right? Yes it is, but I think aswell that they have a rough time now, they need some comfort, but still there's a line. Enough is enough. 

I'm handsome, and you know it!
If it's getting to much then I will tell them, so far so good. Johannus asked me if we can always cook together, but I just don't know. I told them okay, but I have my doubts. If we do that we have to make agreements, who's gonna pay that all? And who's gonna buy or cook? Refussing them would perhaps hurt them, I really hope they get a place for there own soon. It's better for them and for me. Good news is that Johannus was alot calmer then yesterday, he had a few jokes today, and that made me feel good. 

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