Friday, June 3, 2011

"Insert proud feeling... I'm such a dork... LOL!"

"Insert proud feeling... I'm such a dork... LOL!" 

Today I had the guts to make a phonecall to the usurance company, this usurance company was about to sent me some papers what I had to fill in. After filling these papers in I had to send it back and then after ten days I will have some money on my bank account. What is this all about you might be wondering, well, I bought off a usurance policy almost a month ago, cause the policy wasn't worth anymore. (long story) Now I'm getting money of that policy, but first I need to fill in some papers what this usurance company would send. But they didn't send it, They told me two weeks and then you will have the papers. It's almost a month ago. I needed to phone them! Eeek!

Now Paula told me a few times already to make that phonecall, but I kept on deleting it, I'm such a dork when it comes to phonecalls. I just don't know what to say, I always think ahead, "What will happen if I begin to stutter, or what will happen if don't get out of my words?" Well, today I called, I had the smartest idea to go to the office, and ask a staff member to sit with me (blush) while I make the phonecall. I dialed the number and waited.... suddenly! "With Eagon usurance company, how can I help you?" Eeek! Then I told the story what I needed to say, and I must say it went well, uhm, yeah. First I dialed the wrong number, it was the right company but the wrong section. The guy on the phone putted me trough, then a lady on the phone, "With Eagon usurance company, how can I help you?

I told again my story, and again it went well. The lady told me to hold on and she putted me trough to again another section (Grrrr, are they testing me?) Again another person on the phone, this time a guy, "With Eagon usurance company, how can I help you?" For the third time I told my story, a bit different but okay, it sounded good. Yay me! This guy helped me and putted me on hold for five minutes. Then he solved my problem, he told me that there were some problems with the adress where to send the papers to. This week I will get the papers, I will fill them in and about ten day I will have the money. Pffeeww, I called and I was glad I did, I felt proud aswell, sigh, make more phonecalls you dork! LOL!

I have a cold, and I dislike having a cold in the summer.I automaticly dress a bit warm when having a cold but it was 25 degrees outside, so what to wear in this heat while having a cold? I just got dressed with this time some jeans instead of shorts. I'm sneezing and coughing alot, I thought this has to stop, I bought some nosespray and some cough syrup, then two times a day a paracetamol and that should do it, I guess. Thank god I have a few days off, so I can sick this cold out. This day has been nice, although I missed a few people. Johannus and Ricardo were off and on at Humanitas, Later in the afternoon I caught them in there room, they were about to go to McDonalds and I asked if I could join them. That was alright, I payed for my own meal. 

No, it's not that bad!
Johannus still has three days with his kids,then he has to deliver them at there ex's, for a week, I wonder how that will go. Johannus spent so much time with the kids lately, he's really working on it. While we were walking towards McDonalds he saw a relative, it was the ex's nephew, crazy guy but good friends with Johannus and his kids. It made me think, I thought I could learn Ricardo perhaps some manors, or give him the attention what he needs as a kid, go out with him so now and then, or play with him. Not to much though cause I know I'm not the Father, Johannus needs to spend time with him actually, not me. But I like Ricardo and while I am with him I try to teach him well and give him the attention he needs.

It's hard though,cause he's in such a bad atmosphere at the moment, with all the cursing residents here, and his Mom and Dad having sometimes that bad language. I saw today that that bad language and a tiny bit of a bad influence in Johannus's friends, Johannus's ex's Nephew had aswell a bad language, and was drinking beer. Ricardo loves him and laughed about his (rude) jokes. I'm sure not his type, oh no! I'm the opposite. I thought of Ricardo while seeing him with the Nephew and I thought, "Yeah, that's it, it's no use, it's to hard to teach him what's right and wrong." It's all in the Family, it's a pity though, Ricardo is such a cute kid, I hope his Dad teached him well. He sure is on the good way.

I went to my bank aswell today, yeah I wanna achieve things this comming weekend and week. I need a activating code for my new cellphone, I can use my cellphone for online banking. I lost the code in my Hotmail, (my Hotmail was closed due a virus) When I got into the bank they helped me right away, I told them I need a new activatings code for my cellphone. I could do that online they told me, but I needed to log in to my account first, dork I am, I forgot to take my users name with me and my password. My username has all numbers and letters, it's difficult to remember specially when I just had the new usersname. It wasn't that a disaster said the guy who helped me, I could fix that online aswell at the helpdesk section. 

It's been a nice day with here and there some ups and downs, but that's alright, cause there's always tomorrow. Tomorrow will always be better, I hope my cold too.

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