Saturday, June 4, 2011

"A pleasant day with a not so happy ending."

"A pleasant day with a not so happy ending."

It's been a warm day today, more then 28 degrees, and it's way to hot for the time of year. I LOVE it! Today I made a start with the flyscreen what I bought a month ago, there was the screen and there was the velcrofly. The velcrofly you could attach to the frame of the window, and then you can put the screen on the velcrofly. But, the velcrofly didn't seem to work that well, I should put another one beside the other one. And the window is way to high, I can't reach it properly. A ladder would come in use but the ladder, yeah, where was the ladder? Oh well, perhaps another time this week, no rush, it's the weekend and it's to warm to work anyway. Although I really enjoyed the warmth and the sun today, I have been outside five or six times for shopping, enjoying, looking, flaunting and relaxing. More of such days please.

I sat for a while on a bench in town this afternoon just to look at people going by, in one hand I had a icecream and in the other hand I had the the little plastic spoon. I like to watch people when there passing by, it's fun. Just look what they wear, or just the expression on there faces. Sometimes I try to read there minds, it's hilarious to see that on some people. There was this guy watching his wife, while she was grabbing into some curtains what were on sale. Byt the look on the guy's face he was pretty bored, after he yawned a few times loud, it was oblivious he was. Or the young teenagers who were flaunting by with there jeans hanging on there butt, it makes you think how different people sometimes can be. I compare it sometimes too while watching people, it goes automaticly. 

I didn't do that much today, just like yesterday actually, grocery shopping and laundry. In the morning I thought there was a coffee break, like we recently had every weekend. But there was none, only a staff member and a resident were talking in the garden, I joined them. The staff member decided to make a pot with coffee, it was nice sitting with them, later on another guy joined us too. Now there were four of us, it felt comfy sitting with them and talking about everything instead of drama. Maybe it's because they were a bit older these people, older and wiser. Ofcource I spent some time with Ricardo today, I learned something about ADHD, or learned?  I think I already knew it, cause I red about it. Kids with ADHD have sometimes the need to have everything in order, it's a must in there head, or something must be done cause otherwise, oh dear!

For example, Ricardo putted my little clock somewhere cause he wanted it, it was a must, he had to. Another example, he bought a few juice cans and he putted it in a box after he bought the cans. The box was way to big, but he wanted the box, it was a must. Everything had to be his way when he's having a ADHD attack. And he likes everything in order, otherwise he goes mad, or gets nerves stamping his feet. After dinner he wanted to play soccer for a little while, I told him to wait ten minutes then I'm ready for him. But he got nerves and a bit mad, in his had he had to play soccer now, it was a must otherwise. I told him to wait, it was only ten minutes, relax. He layed on the floor and stamped a bit his feet, after 8 minutes I went with him, he suffered enough. Ricardo was alright though, he wasn't going insane, he just needs to learn that not everything is needed to go his way, cause he must.

It was a nice day, although I would like to chat with other people to sometimes and not only with Ricardo and Johannus. It seems sometimes that I spent day and night with them, ofcource I have time for myself, but like I said, spending time with other residents would be nice too. If there there ofcource, cause it seems there never in there room or at Humanitas. Monday I start with work again, then I see other people too, it gives me pleasure. One last thing what happend today was, Ricardo and I were playing soccer, suddenly the little gate went open, a sign that someone is comming in, a resident. Ricardo had a look and I stood somewhere else, Ricardo started to run and began to hide. It was a resident and a relative from Johannus's ex, this guy is not agreeing with the fact that Johannus has the kids at the moment. In other words he rather punches Johannus on the face or do something else with him. he treathened Johannus already once while Ricardo was with him.

This guy can be very friendly though but sometimes he's crazy, (blame the drugs he uses) He had some when came in to the building, he was on his moped and parked it fast and said, "Hoppa," his eyes were big. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Ricardo hidded from him, I acted like nothing was going on and the guy went inside, I started to look for Ricardo. There he was under the garden table, he didn't want to play soccer anymore but wanted to go inside to my room. I took him inside and while were walking upstairs, we bumped into the guy. He started to talk but I couldn't understand him, I asked him what he was saying. He started to mumble something like, "Who does he think he is, taking the kids?"  The guy his girlfriend told him not to act like this in front of the kid, then the guy told me that he will walk upstairs to 'him' and stab him with a knife if he's such a tough guy. 

The guy took of to his room and I went with Ricardo to my room, we layed on the bed for a while and waited till the guy took off again, cause he will. Ricardo was scared and wispered his sayings, I must say I was a bit scared too. This is just insane, but sometimes this is how it goes. I calmed Ricardo down and talked to him, he was shaking a bit and talked much. After a little while we thought we heared the moped and I brought Ricardo upstairs, and talked to his Father what happened. "It's just tough talk," Johannus replied, "he wont do a thing." I told Johannus that he has to report this to the staff just like he did last time. He told me he will. It made me realize that it's time search a bit harder for a house for myself, and not get to much involved with the situation 'Johannus .vs. Ex. Although the drama sometimes here, I'm alright and some people here aren't that bad, really.

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