Friday, July 1, 2011

"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch."

"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch."
Today was the day of goodbye's, and it was kinda hectic. Rene was busy, Johannus was busy, they were all packing and moving there stuff. I shook Rene's hand when he left, I will be seeing him again though at Reha at work. The dinner Rene prepaired was a nice goodbye gift, only there weren't much people. We had chili con carne at noon, I guess that's why there weren't that much people, to early to have dinner? But I liked the chilli, we could choose chilli with potatoes or chilli with rice. I took the rice. Thwe next goodbye was from Johannus and his kids, ugh! Johannus was busy ofcource, moving from left to right.I nearly couldn't get a hold on him, I spoke to him slightly and it wasn't quit the goodbye I expected. Maybe I was a bit stubborn or nervous to walk towards him and telling him goodbye.

I didn't forgot about last night when Ricardo told me I couldn't come for a goodbye drink, maybe we were 'both' a bit nervous or stubborn. But I'm sure we will see each other again, and Ricardo? Yeah, I was hoping he would drop by after school, (3:00 pm) but I doubt it.  But suprise!! Just a bit after 3:00 one of the staff members brought Ricardo to my room, he was done with school ands had to wait for his Dad. Dad was still busy with driving from city to city, I'm glad they dropped Ricardo in my room. Ricardo was nervous though, afraid that his Dad won't show up and let him stay at Humanitas. I had to calm him down, he was not only nervous but aswell angry, "Dad is always late and always he forgets me," he shoutted. I had to be easy with him otherwise he will get mad at me, and that's  not the goodbye I wished for.

It went okay though, his Dad showed up late, but he was there. Ricardo grabbed his coat and his schoolbag and took off, not a hug or kiss, not even a goodbye. It's alright, I blamed his nervous and anger, atleast I was with him for almost two hours and it was nice. It was not the goodbye I expected or wanted though, I wanted a hug or maybe some tears. I spent so much time with him, good times but aswell bad times. The goodbye made me think of the goodbye in Canada, all kinda standing in line waiting for a hand or a short hug. It was to short for my feeling, but okay we were in a hurry, we had a plane to catch. Sometimes I wish I could do 'that' goodbye over, I would take all of them apart for a little talk and tell them then goodbye and a big hug afterwards. I don't like goodbyes... 

I'm sure I will be seeing Ricardo and Johannus again, they live now in a village called 'Vroomshoop,' it's easy to get there with the train. It's different now without Ricardo, strange though that I don't miss him, (yet) maybe that will come. I aswell have more rest though, I can do alot more things now without having to take care of Ricardo. It gives  also a bit of less stress, cause I almost always had him around me. But we had our good times aswell, Ricardo had it hard being here without any other kids to play, and ofcource the seperation from his Mom and Dad. I was there for him when it was needed, and other times. I love you Ricardo, I hope you do well in your new house and new village. 

Recently we have some new residents and they have created a new 'fashion' to Humanitas, leave your door open from your room to let other residents in for a quick chat or a cuppa coffee. The old residents had to get used to that, doors are always closed here. Residents need there privacy too, to be on there own for a while. Now we had to get used to the noise, it had something like if they were camping. But it's good now, it seems that the old residents come out of there rooms so now and then and visit the campers. I visit them aswell, I live near though cause were neighbors. Today for the first time I had my door open too, It's possible now cause Ricardo has left. He will get to excited when my door is open and will make alot of noise with his singing and teasing.

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