Monday, July 4, 2011



"Sometimes the motivation is hard to find at Reha," most of the workers say. I don't have a problem with motivation, sometimes it's all jokes from these workers. They make fun that we don't have much tools or that the company comes short in safety. I know the staff at Reha gives a 100%, this company has just started, it needs time to progress. And sure it needs motivation from the workers, but that's sometimes hard to find. I think I know why, the workers don't get paid, the job what they do is for most workers just a job to fill the days. And for some workers (like me) it's re-intergration to another job. So yeah, this job is important for me. The staff is following me while I work, what kinda works suite's me, what I'm able off, etc, etc. "Your still growing in the work you do, the boss told me, I can see myself growing in this job. I like it, I can see that back in the work I do.

And sometimes the nagging from the other workers?Ah,  I take it just  for granted, and just joke around with them. I had a unexpected appointment today at work, I have a woman following and guiding me to a proper job at Reha, her name is Agnes. Now there's a new person who will also be following me and guiding me, he has to learn what Agnes does. His name is Frans, and we had a meeting today and a canversation. Frans wanted to learn me better, and wanted to know what my wishes are if it comes to work. I told him my jo/work background and told him a bit about Canada. Frans was interested when I told him about Canada, we even spoke english for 10minutes, well, he started it. I liked it and I must say my english is still well. Frans is a nice guy, he will help me out aswell to a nice job. All help is welcome. 

--------- # And then the internet went down, Damn! I already had many, many problems with starting up my laptop the whole day. I think it crashed more then 24 times in a few hours. Actually the whole internet went down at Humanitas, my problems started after I downloaded a few updates. In the late evening a few residents and I found out that my computer was hacked! It made sense to me actually, cause a few hours ago I had a little message on my laptop saying that there is someone with the same IP as mine, I needed to change my IP my computer. This laptop has/had problems, I think I start saving money for a brand new laptop, cause it's really needed. The viruses and the few trojan horses are gone but they left a few dammages that can't be fixed. 

A female resident is willing to fix my computer, she offered me, and I thought, "Why not." I was already thinking of buying a new laptop this week, so, if this one can be fixed it would be nice but if it can't be fixed, oh well. I already made plans when I don't have a computer for a few days or maybe a week that I will write my blog posts on a note, and go to the libary here in town. The libary has a computer/internet section where I can surf on the internet for free, I can write there my posts in my blog.(Yeah, I'm a nerd) I need a computer,it's not only for fun but also for important stuff. Without a compter I can't look for houses or connect with important instantions. I keep my fingers crossed tomorrow the whole day...

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