Friday, August 12, 2011

"Finding the rest, and putting things in order."

"Finding the rest, and putting things in order."

It's been a hectic day with some nerves in the beginning, but once I got started it went alright. I felt better then yesterday, still a bit those nerves though, I guess they will stay till I have everything settled. First thing I had this morning was a appointment with the citybank, the citybank is a bank for people who have guilts and they offer loans aswell. I had to be there at 9:00 am, early bird I was, I was way to early. I had to wait outside for twenty minutes, the weather was good, dry and not cold, so, all good. At 9:00 the door opened and I walked in, the lady at the desk asked me friendly where she could help me with. I told her that I had a appointment with a lady called 'Mrs Koning,' the lady replied that she didn't know of any appointments with Mrs koning. I told her that a lady from Humanitas made the appointment trough the phone. She told me to wait in the waiting room, "Mrs Koning will be right with you." Okay!

An old short lady (Mrs Koning) said, "Hi," and asked me to come with her. We sat down and I was expecting that I came for 'asking for a loan,' but that was a missunderstanding. Mrs Koning filled right away a paper in for a rejection for a loan, I thought, "What is that? No loan?" That was right, Mrs Koning explained it to me. The citybank rejected my 'asking for a loan,' cause I didn't had enough repayment capacity, Paula and Mrs Koning already discussed this trough the phone yesterday. That's why the no loan, but the rejection paper I can take with me as a proof, upcomming Monday I will have to ask for a loan at the Municipality. I already have a appointment made, the rejected paper I will have to take with me and other papers for proof. I really need a loan, otherwise I can't pay my first rent and the stuff I need for my house. 

When I left the citybank my head was full off thoughts, I guess it still had to do with the rejected loan paper. How did I know that the loan was rejected, I just thought I came for a loan. It was still early and at 10:30 I had my next appointment, 'the furniture project,' but first a coffee. I still was on time for the coffee break, I took two coffee's. Around 10:15 I left for my next appointment, a bit late but okay, I still had to find the place where I had to be. I thought, I found the citybank this morning just like that so this I will find too. But after searching and searching for almost an hour, I gave up. I couldn't find it, I even went in many stores and asked but, nothing. I was looking for a huge garage (it's like a garage sale, but then bigger) I knew where to go but, when I  arrived at the place where to look, I  just couldn't found it. 

I went back to Humanitas and it started to rain hard, I decided to ride first to the pharmacy for my repeat prescription. (thyroid) The pharmacy gave me for another two weeks off  medication, I will have to do some bloodwork upcomming week to see how it's going with my thyroid. It started raining harder, sigh! I was soked but I was at Humanitas and could put on dry clothes, time for some rest. I still wanted to go to the secetary downstairs to tell her that I couldn't find the 'furniture project' place, but she was busy. I  will go a bit later I thought, she will have to call for another appointment, hope I can find it then. After I  putted dry clothes on the secetary called me on my cellphone, she asked me why I  didn't go to my appointment. I explained her that I couldn't find the place where I had to go, the secetary told me that I still was on time for the appointment, and she explained me where to go and she told the number of the garage. 

There I went again, it was dry and that was a good thing. But I was half way and then it rained again, and harder then before. Oh well, I thought getting mad won't make the rain stop. I arrived at the place, and thought to myself, "Hey, I just drove by this place, but was thinking, this really can't be it."  There was a woman standing outside waiting for me and she guided me in, it was a huge garage full with second hand furniture. I introduced myself and told the lady that it was my first time here. The lady explained me how this furniture project worked, "If you see a piece of furniture what you like, I will put a sticker on it with the saying "reserved' and then it's yours, for free."  I looked around and saw some nice furniture but it was already reserved. The other furniture looked old and not so nice, but I thought, "Hey, it's free! Pick something!" 

I choosed a nice wooden table with two chairs, nice for in my sleeping room. And further, well, nothing, I saw a nice round dinning table but in my eyes it was to big, and a nice closet, but had doubts, so I letted it be. The lady putted the stickers ' reserved' on the choosen furniture and she told me that if it's time to move, I can pick them up anytime, I thanked her and went back.  The rain came poring down again and I  got soked again for the second time, I didn't mind though. I  haven't got anything planned further today, only rest! It's been a long morning, I made some lunch and afterwards I  took a well deserved nap, I was exhausted. still I want to make a list of the things I need and what still to do, putting things in order. What to do first and then second, and what can I  do in between, otherwise I might forget something and it's a good solution to empty my head. 

I still have a bit that akward feeling of the moving, I almost can't describe it. I know for sure that it will be different, I can say to myself, "Hey finally some time for myself," but I will miss aswell the people around me. Being to long at Humanitas does that to you, I will have to get used to that again. I'm glad I have a week and a few days for picking up the keys, so I can get used to the idea of leaving Humanitas. It will all be good, I'm a little bit worried but I guess that's normal. 


jazain said...

aww sjon, its just fear of the unknown. we all have comfort zones and humanitas has been your comfort zone full of people to help with every single thing you needed. now youre really independent! but didnt you say that the counselors would still help when you needed? im excited to see how your life will go now. so far so good!!!! like reading a novel lol. anyway, youll get your furniture even if its little by little. hopefully youll get the loan on monday.

will you still be going to work at the same place when you move? said...

I guess it's the fear of unknown, but aswell the fear of unknown how it's gonna go this comming week. But I'm sure it will be fine in the end, I just want to get started, but I don't know whit what,and how. Getting started is good for the nerves aswell,LOL!

I will notice that everyday I will get a peace of the puzzle fixed,cause that's how I see things now, like a unsolved puzzle. It'll be fine, good thing is that I'm not afraid to live on my own again, I see it as a new start. Thanks Jana!

p.s.yes, I'm still going to work at the same place,that's a plus point too.

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