Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Waiting and cleaning today."

"Waiting and cleaning today."

There's enough to do today, it seems everyday I come a little bit further, just tiny little bits. I guess it's better then nothing, right? Today I planned another full day, searching for items on the internet, searching for cheap items what I really need. The couch didn't show up yesterday, although it was confirmned, so I'm looking for another couch. I saw alot of them though, I can bid on some of them and I saw one for  free. I messaged the seller for the 'free' couch, and he messaged back telling me I should call him tomorrow morning. Further I saved in my 'favorites' seven couches, way to many I know, it's so harder to choose then. Funny that most of the couch for sale are blue, I so don't want a blue couch, it doesn't match with a red wall. Still I need a fridge, a few lamps, screens or curtains, and yeah, money!

I had a appointment with Melissa this morning at 11:00, she wanted to call 'Elize Wolters' for my loan yesterday. But she was to busy yesterday, Melissa said "Sorry," and she grabbed the phone to make a phonecall right away. After ten minutes she hanged up the phone, and she told me that the woman (Elize Wolters) who arranged my loan, is still on vacation. Great! The 'file' for my loan lays on Elize's desk ' ready to be judged, but she's on vacation. My 'file' has a not on written on it saying, emergency. I will have to wait, perhaps someone else will judge it, or not. You know what? I'm not worried and not even in panic, it is as it is, I can jump high or low or go mad, but it won't help a thing. Things will be fine in the end I guess. 

I planned to go cleanall  my windows in the house like I said yesterday, but there are so many windows in the house, I love it though. Before my appointment with Melissa I already went to the shop to buy a few things for the window cleaning, but first I took some rest, lunch and then a nap, it was needed. After my nap I went on the laptop for a few hours, then I took off to the house, I had everything with me what I needed, plus a few things more. I even did NOT  forget my wallet this time. When I arrived at the house I first measured all the windows and wrote IT ALL  down on a paper. Like I mentioned before, so many windows I have. The decisions will be difficult to make with some of the windows, will it be blinds or curtains? Or perhaps both?

There are so many windows decarations, it's almost to hard to make a decision. I think some windows don't even need decoration,  not every window has to be covered. Alright, the windows were waiting for cleaning, firs I cleaned them at the sides where the windows stays in, (English word) There was all paint and dirt, afterwards I used a sponge to clean the rest of the window. Then on to the next window, same procedure. Lots of work but I like to have it clean and perfect, and I had all the time to do it, so. It was 2:00 pm when I started, and between 5:00 and 5:30 a guy will come to bring the gasstove, so time was on my side. At 4:50 I stopped with the cleaning and made myself ready for the delivery guy, first I checked my wallet and....

...I had no money in my wallet!!! What the...?! This time I didn't forgot my wallet, no, but put money in it would be handy, right? It was 5:05 pm and I couldn't go back to Humanitas to get the 60 Euro for the stove, I decided to stay, what else could I do? Maybe the seller will go with me and drive to Humanitas, or I have to go by myself. Within ten minutes the seller arrived and I told him that I was sorry cause I needed to get some money, it was alright with him, he waited in the car with the stove. I jumped on my bike and drove to Humanitas to get the money, it went pretty fast, it was a 20 minute ride back and forth. I payed the seller and he helped me to get the stove to the first door, job done! I have a stove. I was exhausted though and hungry. Some residents at Humanitas were cooking when I arrived, and they asked me if I want some too, so that we could eat together, I told them, "Sure."

Sometimes it's handy when they ask you things like that, next time I will cook. My next appointment was already arrived, at 7:00 someone would intervieuw me. It's a normal procedure when someone is leaving Humanitas, they will get intervieuwed by a company called 'Cito.' Cito is a company who will collect most of your information and answers after the intervieuw, and they will see how your doing outside Humanitas. Do you manage outside Humanitas?  Can you take care of yourself after Humanitas? Do you need help or not now that you live on your own. What does Cito do with all the information? They want to see if people can handle there selves after Humanitas, if you can't, then Cito even can send someone to help you out. They want to look if Humanitas does a good job or not aswell, Cito can see if there has to be changes inside of Humanitas or not, etc, etc.

My intervieuwer was nice on time, it was a pretty young girl, I guess her age wasn't older then 22. I sure didn't expect that. t. She asked my question about entire life, (my background) and aswell about my situation now, and what I have been true the last nine months. "The intervieuw will take two hours atleast," said the girl, I didn't mind though. I like to be questioned and I like the attention at the moment. Some questions were personal, and some were not, although the intervieuw took long I had a nice time. We started at seven and at nine we were done, I thanked her and she gave me a note and a envelope. On the note stood the date for the next intervieuw, and in the envelope was money! Woot!!

Just like promised trough the phone, I will get payed for the intervieuw, first I thought it was a joke, but no! In the envelope were laying 20 Euro, the next intervieuw will be held in November, then aswell an envelope.  It was a long day, and I was exhausted. Tomorrow another day, busy days ahead. I like it.

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