Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy with the positive nice comments, not that happy with the 'waiting' again.

Happy with the positive nice comments, not that happy with the 'waiting' again.

I said I was and wil be calm the last few days about what I will get to hear from my Boss, but this morning the nerves started a bit. That's normal though right? I already made plans ahead, lol, if the Boss will not continue with me I will pack my bags, say goodbye to the fellow workers and will be heading home or prolly Reha. But in my mind it just couldn't be like that, for sure they want to continue with me. If they don't want to continue then it must be the lack of work and nothing else more. Cause our work lately is low, we need new customers. I worked steady this morning, and  while I was working I watched with one eye to the clock. At 9:00 my Boss will pick me up for the conversation, my Reha counselor will be there aswell.

It was 9:15 and still no one showed up, I worked even harder, lol, nerves! Finally at 9:30 my Boss showed up and took me to her office, my counselor was there and welcomed me, and we all gathered around the table. The conversation went calm, I was calm aswell. In the beginning I got alot of compliments, what did me good. My boss told me that I fitted right in this job and in the fellow workers group, "You are accepted," said my Boss. I do my work well, I pick up things so easily when an other worker explains you something for example. I'm a fast worker aswell, I was growing fast in this job, so many positive things she told me. I was expecting this aswell, cause the Boss told me these positive things before. But at the way my Boss told me all these positive things I already knew what the following line would be.... 

I was actually waiting for the word, "But..." and that word came. My  Boss continued, "We want you in our team, and were trying anything to keep you here, and we still are trying, cause were happy with you." Then the word came, "But, at the moment there is a lack of work, it's already difficult to put our other workers to work, we can't hire you yet." The word 'yet' sounded good, there is still hope. The Boss hopes that within a month or sooner the 'more work' will come. In the meanwhile I  can stay and in the first week of January my Boss, my counselor and me will gather around again for a conversation. I will hope then that there's alot of work. I will keep my fingers crossed in the following weeks, and perhaps pray some prayers.


I didn't really expected 'this' in the morning, I thought it would be a stay or a go actually. I was already thinking in the early morning that 'if' I get to hear from my Boss that I can stay, I will thank God an would be thinking, There sure is someone above that have wanted me to have this job, or if  my Boss would have sent me home, I would have been thinking and tell myself, 'God has other plans with me,' this job is prolly not my thing." Okay, but now? Now I can stay but the question is, 'for how long.' What plans has God for  me?' Why the waiting? Time will tell I guess, akward toughts right? Akward thoughts but aswell positive in my eyes.
My Boss told me aswell, that perhaps some old- fellow workers will be going, and then I will fill in that empty place. But she wasn't sure yet, 

This company had alot of resumes from other 'new' workers aswell I heard from my Boss. But they can wait, she told me, I was on top, I was first in line. Pick a number and stand in line... behind me.  Everything sounds positive and that gives a good feeling, I can say to myself that I'm already with one leg in this job, now I will have to wait for that other leg. I aswell asked after our conversation that if I could take two days off in the first week of January, cause of my trip to London. That was no problem, said the Boss. I will take the Monday and the Tuesday off, and will start again on Thursday and Friday. The days off are a bit of a relief, Next week I will start with my first of three whole days of working, I'm positive about it, I can do it. All is good, I will keep up the good work.

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