Friday, January 13, 2012

I miss work on my day off.... LOL!

I miss work on my day off.... LOL!

I must be silly, lol, I miss work when I'm having a day off. Work was pretty busy and rough yesterday, but although that I enjoyed myself aswell. Thinking of five months ago when I just started there, thinking of if I wouldn't even fit in this job, having doubts if I even could manage, but look at me now. I so want this job, I should actually start praying that they will hire me on the 1st of February. On February 1 there will have a talk with my Boss and my Reha counselor, we willtalk about a hiring contract, it will be a yes or a no. I fit in this job, I',m surrounded by nice fellow workers, the work is fun, and if they hire me... they hire me for three days in the week, that's my limit, that's all I can manage. It's all perfect!

Though I heard that hire contracts are not that great where I work, let's say if I get a hire contract for a half year or a year, what will happen after that half year or year? They have the oppertunities then to say goodbye to me, I already seen it happen. A fellow worker has to say goodbye aswell cause his hire contract was over. He worked there for one and a half year, I guess that that are the risks of having a hire contract. Anyway, I'm looking way to much ahead. Like I said I had a day off, like I always do on a Friday. What do I do on a day off, mostly I rest and do groceries, and perhaps some laundry. Now I just summed up what I did today, lol. I took a long nap cause it was needed, I did the first load of laundry, it's hanging to dry now, I need to wait till it's dry to wash and hang the the next load. 

I did my groceries already for the weekend and the comming week, I figured that tomorrow I won't have that much time cause of the long radio visit. So I can take it easy aswell before that, sometimes thinking ahead is good. A few hours ago I visited Ricardo's Mom Catherina, I never been to her house, so this was my first time. The house was easy to find, the visit was okay. Catherina had her Son Dylano with her, Dylano was all over me, I loved it although he was here and there a bit naughty, oh well, kids! It was nice having a little kid around me again, it surely made me think of my time in Canada, it was so easy to entertain Dylano and to pleae him. Good feeling!  Catherina and I talked about everything, aswell about Ricardo, poor Ricardo. He's now living in a institution, I think it's called a therapeutic boarding school. Ricardo's Dad, (Johannus) has moved again, and is again with another woman. 

Johannus's behaviour is the reason that Ricardo has been sent away. Ricardo's Mom wasn't able either to parent him in the eyes of child custody, hmmm. Ricardo has ADHD, and has a little disturbing in his brain. It was sure alot what he all went trough the last two years, and that doesn't make him feel better, living in a shelter in a tiny room with Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad seperated, living whit his Dad, Dad is dating several other woman, Ricardo gets placed here and there, and back and forth, ect, ect. This is for sure not good for an 8 year old kid with ADHD, and I think not even for a normal healty 8 year old kid. Poor Ricardo, I miss him, and I truly wish that he will get healty and gets the help he needs. I'm a 100% sure I will see him again.

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