Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Picture time!

Picture time! 

Still I feel a bit the chest pain from yesterday, it bothers me and I try not to think about it. Sometimes I wish I was a doctor, lol, so I could see or feel right away what I have, like now with this chest pain. So that I know what it is and have to worry less.  I still think the pain has to do with my muscles, I guess I carried a bit to heavy or to much yesterday. Anyway, time will tell, or better, time will heal, (hopefully) I'm taking my time today, I rested and took already a nap. My counselor came a bit after 3:00 pm,there is not much to do anymore for him, I almost reached all my goals and achieved all my 'things what needs to be done'. 

My counselor will help and guide me untill April, then I will be on my own for real. When 'then' there's something going on with for example insurances or taxes, I will have to do it on my own. I'm not worried, I learned alot from last year, and I learned alot from my two counselors. I changed aswell in a good way, I the last year I walked into so many community buildings, I know where to go now, and who I need to talk too. I'm going to Amsterdam this upcomming Saturday, there's a record & CD fair in the Rai. The Rai is a huge hal building, there's always something to do. This weekend there's the record & CD fair, I'm excited to go. 

Funny though, I might buy a few cd's for cheap this Saturday, but I don't even have equipment to play the cd's on, lol. I'm not worried about the equipment, I can buy that for cheap. I don't need the huge speakers what I use to had, or the large and the huge equipment what I use to had I don't need either. Just a small micro-set with some decent speakers and I'm fine, this is a small house, a small house doesn't need a huge booming sound equipment. If I can listen to the radio or play a cd, I'm good. The cd's are always half price on a fair, or even cheaper, it's really a must for the music freaks, roll on Saturday. 

Time for some pictures! 

Sunset in Almelo, just a few minutes before 5:00 pm. Such a lovley picture.

Our little harbor in our city, once a year there's a special harbor's day here. Nice!
Gravity art, yep, here aswell in this city! Love it or hate it, I think this one is okay.
I love these tiny streets in a city, small old houses with so many old things, it reminds me of the past.
An old factory in Almelo, this factory is ready to be broken down. I had to take a picture of it, cause I thought it would be a great picture.
This old man always sits next to me with the free dinners on Wednesdays and Thursdays. He's homeless, but has the option to sleep in a night-shelter during the night. Sometimes he does that , sometimes he doesn't. He's over 80 year, once he told me, "Once your homeless and live on the street for so many years like me, you don't know else... it becomes a lifestyle, put me in a nice house for myself and I will not like it, the street is my life."

Lunch for tomorrow's work, I sure will take it easy tomorrow cause of my chest/muscle pain. I will just see how it goes, for sure I will finnish the day. It's only one day, then I will have three days off. Then it's rest, rest and rest. 


jazain said...

i am so confident that youll be fine without your counselors. as you even said, youve changed and learned so much in this past year!!!! you are a different man!

i laugh sometimes at your neatness and the ways you do things. you dont miss anything i swear. everything is in its place and so tidy. even your lunch is super tidy!!! i pray you dont eventually meet and marry a slob like me...youll have a hell of a life lol.

is it possible the chest pain is from your fall yesterday???

take care good friend! is a pleasure knowing you said...

LOOL, yeah the lunch, hmm well I made it look neat for the picture, honest! Yes, I do like it tidy and neat, but I never overreact though. I can be a slob aswell... I slob it tidy and neat, LOL!

The chest pain can be from my fall, yes, my counselor said the same. Though it's weird prolly that my fell was early in the morning (7:00am) and the chest pain came in the late afternoon. (4:00pm) Anyway, time will heal the pain, and iff not, then I will see my Doctor.

It's a pleasure to know you aswell!! And take good care aswell, your a gem!

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