Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dentist: "You don’t have to brush your teeth, just the ones you want to keep."

Dentist: "You don’t have to brush your teeth, just the ones you want to keep."

Oh yeah, the dentist, thank god he told me after the this morning treatment, "See you in June." He repaired three fillings this morning, and unexpected it were the front teeth, ouch! I asked for anesthesie, and the dentist gave me  two shots, waited thirty seconds and started drilling, ouch, and ouch! The anesthesie helped just a bit but for the same reason he could have skipped it. Though the whole treatment wasn done in thirty minutes, pffeeww! My front teeth are still a bit hurting, the one tooth where my dentist helped me on a few weeks ago feels not right either. I'm still looking for a new dentist, someone who lives closer, does his job better and is perhaps cheaper. Though  looking for a cheap dentist is almost not to do here in Holland.

Dentists are expensive here in Holland, and now they can decide on there own what the client must pay for every treatment, for example a new filling, anesthesia, a crown, ect, ect. The healt insurances in Holland have the option to advice the clients for wich dentist to choose, what suits the clients best. This Friday I will get some advice aswell by my health insurance, I definitly need a new dentist. Again a cold day today, still it's minus degrees. Just heard today that the 'Eleven cities tour' is not going trough, oh, you should have seen the dissapointment and the sadness on the skaters faces. I do understand it though, we were so close to the event, but the ice is just not thick enough for the millions skaters to hold them all, pity! This comming weekend the thaw will set in, then it's prolly, bye, bye ice and frost.

My counselor came aswell this afternoon, and we went trough some things as usual, mostly paperwork. It was all good, nothing extreme or stressy. Everything is going okay some things are so, so, and some things needs time. I guess it will always be like that. Still I'm suffering here and there financially, cause of my time in Canada, cause of that I still I have to pay back some allowances, but that will end aswell in the near future when the paying back is done. And further? Further not that much, only one thing what bothered me a bit this morning. I thought about it NOT to mention it in this post, but I won't to get it of my chest and. And yeah, it's my blog and I can write what I want, right? Though I can understand that 'some' things you have to keep for yourself. But anyways, here it goes... Damn!

Just this morning my Saf sent me a mail, she was asking me for money, cause they come extremely short this month. Read: prolly no money to pay the rent, no food till the end of the month. I care about them, even after all what happened last year. I know how they suffer a bit now, I too been in these situations a few times with them. I suffered last year aswell big time, and still am a bit, I just crowled up, dusted of the dirt of my knees, and relived. I'm not gonna pay, though I considered it to pay Saf, I felt a bit bad to make the right desicion for me. I decided not to pay, I have to think of myself this time. Sucks though a bit honestly, to make that desicion.

I feelt bad for her and her kids, but the thing what bothered me and helped me make the decision is the question: why did she think of me when she needs money? isn't that rude or? I don't know....sorry for posting this...

................ Time for a coffee, insert happy smile!

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