Thursday, February 9, 2012

I couldn't find a title for today's post, so I choosed this one.

I couldn't find a title for today's post, so I choosed this one.

I always start with writing a post after I found a title first, I read the title and continue with writing the post after I red it, just like now, lol. Anyway, it's Thursday evening, the weekend has started. The other workers at work have a day off tomorow aswell, they have a ATV day. Say what?  ATV day means a reduction in working hours, often abbreviated to ATV, means that the total number of days per year an employee works will be reduced. In short, just a day off, it's like a gift from the Boss. To many employers and not much work I'm guessing. Today some other workers who are usually working behind a machine came to our section to help 'us' out. Just because they had not much to do today, sometimes it's just like that. So 'our'section was packed with workers, nice, but crazy too. 

Because, where to put them if there's not much to do? Though we all worked steady and firm today, I like it when I have something to do, without asking all the time what I have to do. It was a nice working day. Some new workers, who had joined us a few weeks ago, had to come to the office, the Boss told them too. When they came back they told that this was there last day here. I saw it comming though, cause the Boss told me this already when I had to come to the office for a talk a few weeks ago. These new workers are in a project, this project is to see what new workers are able of. This project is for people who are sick or have a handicap and aswell for intergration. One of the new workers is a Turkish man, he's in his 50's. 

Thursday evening, 8,05 pm!
He told me, that he might be able to work here for good, cause they told him too. "I'm here to be tested for a short period, and then I might get a hire contract," told the Turkish man. I was suprised he told me this cause my Boss told me a total different story, lol, poor man. I don't like it when they goof around with such people, they promise you this, but instead they give you something else. Another fellow worker asked me if I had to come to the office too today, I answered, 'No.' It could have been though, I didn't even think about it, to I was to busy with working, lol. Time for some days off, I sure need it. Tomorrow is gonna be a full day aswell, but I will get my rest too. 

Tomorrow morning there's the vollunteers appointment, I never been there though, but I'm not nervous. They will look for me for other or more vollunteers work, I'm pretty excited about it. Tomorrow aswell I want to go to the tax office, I got a mail yesterday from the tax-service, it all had to do with my time in Canada. I have to fill in a few things, but I will need help with the filling in, that's why the visit to the tax-office. They will help me there. I might get some taxes back or have to pay taxes back, wi'll see. And tomorrow I made the decision to buy a nice small radio. Or better, a micro hifi set, I would like a radio and a CD player where I can listen to. That's really enough for me, I'm missing  listening to music. I need curtains aswell but that can wait. 

Music first, music will cheer up my place so much more for sure. Though I still have a bit doubts to buy a hifi set, I'm not rich and I still need to pay bills and I still want to go on a short vacation this summer. But yeah, when do I have to buy the hifi set then? Right? I guess I will always be..... Or for a long time be in a sort of ' I'm not rich' lol! Tomorrow will be the day.


jazain said...

way too bad that you never got your stuff from canada :((( said...

Yeah, I know. But it's the way it is Jana, Though I'm glad it didn't came to an argue or discusion with Saf about my belongings. In the end I knew it would be a looong proces and I think with no result. She couldn't afford the shipping, I knew that already in December when she told me she would, I couldn't afford it either.

Anyway, I'm starting over and to be honest, it's quite nice to go price hunting for cheap cd's and equipment. Though it still sucks a bit that I lost more then 500 cd's... Thank god I could take my clothing with me.

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