Saturday, November 10, 2012

To answer or not to answer...

To answer or not to answer...

Last week on a Saturday night my cell phone went over, I grabbed it and saw the phone number who was calling, my Aunt! Wow, that's been a while, yeah it was the 'grumpy' Aunt. My first reaction when I saw my Aunt's number was, "Nope, I'm not gonna answer." I layed down the phone and continued what I was doing, relaxing on the couch. Ofcource I start to think, "Maybe somethings wrong with my Dad." Or, "Why would she suddenly call again?" Or, "I'm sure that my Aunt would talk like nothing has happened, ugh!" I didn't was in the mood for talking to her, like nothing has happened, I'm sure I would get a speech again, if I would bring up what happened a few months ago. (I was done with my Aunt commanding me what to do if it comes to my own Dad, I couldn't even visit him whenever "I" want or could. So I said something about it in a mail and sent it to my Aunt, my Cousin responded not very polite...

He insulted me badly and in the end he considered me as a no-Cousin anymore) Tonight my cell phone went again, same number, it was my Aunt, again I didn't respond. She called once again and again I didn't respond. For the same reason, I didn't want to speak to her. Just knowing her that she will talk like nothing has happened, and that we just continue on the same level? Naah, I'm perfectly fine the way I am now with Dad, way better then before. Tomorrow I will visit my Dad, I think it's the first time in a long time I visit him on a Sunday. About my Aunt, I know there will be a time that I will have to pick up the phone and talk to her, I think it's better to not wait to long with that. If I wait to long the talking will only get worse or more difficult. I can hear my Aunt already calling, "Why don't you answer the phone?" Well, think a bit harder Aunt! 

Today was a so so day, I wanted to go on a coffee visit to a friend, but she cancelled it. She went to the hospital yesterday and today she was in pain, bless her. I took it easy in the morning, just before lunch I did a quick wash up and took off. I decided to have a lunch in the city, Subway was on my mind. Subway recently opened a store here in Almelo, yes! I loved Subway in Canada, footlong sandwiches. I ordered a 'beef half foot sandwich, no spicey items, veggies plus honey mustard sauce and a coffee aside. Then to the market for beets, I wanted to try fresh beets, and you can't buy them here in a store, so. Oh the beets were so cheap, I bought 3 huge ones for only 70 Euro cents, woot! I want to make it a standard now to have fresh veggies or fruit at the market. Cooking the beets was new for me, I looked up a recipe and started.  
The beets needed 45 minutes for cooking, damn! And I didn't have a decent pan aswell, the only big pan I had I needed for the potatoes. The cooking although went fine in a bit smaller pan. As a first time 'beets cooker' I forgot the vinegar, so the beets tasted a bit to sweet, I like them more sauer.But I didn't do bad as a first timer, the second time will be better. These beets were huge, better to get smaller ones next time.

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