Saturday, May 25, 2013

Vacation money.

Vacation money. 

Every year somewhere in May or June I receive extra vacation money, my work and my other half of my income (Gak)  take every month 8% of my loan, until May. Last week I received the first part of the vacation money, and I must say, 'Not bad, not bad at all.' I would love to receive such mail more often, lol. It's way better then paying this or paying that. More good news is that I'm nearly done with paying back a debt, which I had to pay since I got back from Canada. The debt I had to pay was from housing benefit, I forgot to stop the the monthly benefit I received when I lived in Canada, so, I received monthly money what wasn't allowed. (What did I know? back then.) That money had to be payed back, as of now, it's only one month and then I'm done with the debt! There's only one more debt I still have to finish, though that will take a little year still. (Were getting there)

I noticed that I usually go out on a Saturday recently, though today I stayed in. I'm not that rich as I think I am. It's positive thinking, never think you have enough money, never think you are rich! I always take care of my money, I look at the cheap prices when I do groceries, I always think twice if I buy something. Like, do I really need it? Or, can I afford it? No, I am not that always that niggard sometimes I spoil myself on something too, lol. But not always. Today I saved some money, I have plans to go out the next weekend. Probably Amsterdam, it has been a while since I have been there. A pretty long while actually. I did my last part of my groceries today and... that was it actually. I spent a long time while doing groceries, the weather was good. I like a bit of warmer days.

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