Thursday, June 6, 2013

Finally Summer?

Finally Summer? 

The temperatures went way up the last few days, I love it, it gives me a boost of energy. Had a lovely day at work aswell, there weren't that many workers today, A few had a day off, I can't blame them with this great weather. The temperature went up until 26 C. degrees. Just a few clouds, but mostly sunshine. I really love it, I hope it lasts. Today was aswell the last working day for our foreman, he's going on vacation for four weeks. 

Now, who will lead our section now? They told it was me, but I don't fall for that, lol. I think we can manage our selves pretty well without our foreman. When I have a question or I can't keep up with something, I can always ask for help. There are several options. I'm sure some workers in our section will come to me aswell when they have questions. Together we will manage these four weeks, I'm actually looking forward to it.

Plans for the weekend? Nope, I will let these days just come over me, I won't go out I guess, at least not far away. The weather is good, so that's a plus point. I could go out for a long bike ride, that's a idea. I will check tomorrow aswell for my received heritance letter, it will probably be there. For now, I think it will be a warm sweaty night, I showered, cleaned my sheets, it's all good.

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