Wednesday, June 5, 2013



The heritance appointment went fine, though I was getting alot of information, and that made it a bit confusing and hard to understand. Only my Uncle went with me, my Aunt was sick. Gosh, my Aunt and Uncle are so kind and do as much as they can for me, it's almost unreal, I'm almost feeling guilty about it, lol. Sometimes you hear that a heritance can bring alot of argues or hisfits in families, but it seems my Aunt and Uncle really want that I get this heritance. Anyway, first we went to the actual place where the appointment was, the insurance company from my Dad. These people sent me aswell the heritance appointment invitation. In the invitation stood all the information I needed plus a few things I needed to do, make a copy of my bank card plus my passport, and I needed a certificate of inheritance,
At the insurance they told me that a notary was really needed, first I hoped  I could do without. 

A notary cost alot money, but okay, when it's needed, it's needed. The insurance company told me that a notary is here near by, so from the insurance we went there. Still a bit confused, but the lady from the insurance told me not to worry, "The heritance will be yours, cause you have the right on it." My Dad had no testament, so the money will go straight to the inheritor.The money for the funeral has been paid, or will be paid. My Dad has a good life insurance, 'they' will take care of it, according to my Uncle. Perhaps a few debts (taxes) from my Dad has to be paid aswell, or has been paid. My Uncle and I were quit calm about this all. Specially my Uncle, cause he's the one who took care of all Dad's mail, debts, insurances, etc, etc. And when my Uncle is calm about it, I should be too. still it all gives a double feeling, feeling a bit guilty that I take Dad's money, though I really could use the money aswell. 

I think those feelings makes the heritance confusing and difficult to understand. It's quit simple, I know, but still. We weren't that long at the notary, we did our story and the notary heared it all and took our information and wrote it down. Though we missed a few things to make it all officially. The notary still needed the certificate of heritance, and a marriage certificate from my Mom and Dad. The notary told me that he will sent me a mail later in the week, I will have to read it, fill it in and bring the two certificates I forgot today. On my next visit to the notary, (probably next week) I can just visit the notary without a appointment, show the filled in papers what I recieved from them, plus the certificates and that's it. Sounds pretty easy right? Ugh, I wish it was all behind me... I don't know what still has to be payed, or has been payed from my Dad's passed.

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