Thursday, March 10, 2011

A full day....

A full day.... 

Another full day has almost ended, I had a nice day at work. I went from half days to full days now, so, in total I have three days now. Perhaps after a month Reha wants to do four days, but everyone works there three days for now. At the moment there just not enough work for four  or five days. It's all good. I'm moving forward, a month ago I wasn't even thinking of work, I wasn't even able to aswell. But now it's good, I enjoy it. Infact I enjoy every little thing what I do now, all the little things I missed the last two months.

Finally today I got the 'change of adress' thingy at my bank, (I needed to deliver my new adress cause my bank thought I was still in Canada) now I can finally ask for my bank-statements from the last three months. I need them to ask for my extra income, (I'm still under minium wage) at CWI (CWI is the place where I go for the extra income) they asked if I could bring the bank-statements from the last three months. But that wasn't possible, cause I was in Canada for three years. Now being back in Holland I have to start all over again, with everything, aswell with my bank. If ING send me these bank-statements, then I can go to the CWI and deliver them and fill further in my file for the extra money. ING took so long! 

The care allowance, I'm gonna ask for that too, with all the risk. The last time I had care allowance I was still in Canada, and that is not allowed, I had to stop the allowance, but I forgot or I didn't know I still had one. If  the tax service finds out that I still had that care allowance while being in Canada, I have to pay everything back. But I'm gonna take that risk by asking them again for a new care allowance, maybe they find out that I was in Canada or maybe not. Tomorrow I will go to a housing corporation in my city (Almelo) to sign me in there, these people will find (or try to) a house for me to rent. I like it here in this city, although there is some crime here, it's fine with me.

This morning I sent two messages on Facebook, one was for Mar, and the other one for Noor. I felt a bit bad not communicating with them so much anymore, there is nothing going on between Saf's kids and me. I don't see a problem if I write them so now and then a little message, telling them I miss and love them or asking them how there doing. Although I'm here and build up my life again, I still care about them and wont forget them. I got a nice little message back from Mar, it did me good. She made me laugh aswell, but I'm not gonna say with what, LOL! That's our little secret, p.s. Mar thought I forgot her and the Family, aaww! I will never! 

I got a date this Saturday, serious? Yes! 

Well, okay, not really a date, but a going out with my counseler from Humanitas. She asked me yesterday all of a sudden what my plan was this Saturday, I was suprised to hear it. My counseler takes every week three hours out for some of the residents. She had two hours extra, and she asked me, we were planning to go to the market, and look aswell at cell phones. I need a cell phone says everyone, I just don't know. I really don't like them, there expensive with calling, and I can't call with them cause there not loud enough, But okay, looking at them is fine, and we will see if we buy one. 

Sweet dreams and sleep tight bloggers!

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