Saturday, August 6, 2011

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. 

Now let's see if I did something completely pointless, uhm, I can't remember actually. Mostly I never do something pointless, there's always a reason why I do things. I went to bed late last night, it was 1:30 am, my laptop kept me awake. Surfing on the internet was fun, I enjoyed it. I woke up early though, 7:30 am, I know not enough sleep, but oh well. I didn't plan much today, resting a bit more and taking some naps. 

And the laundry had to be done, but that's already dry in the closet. In total Humanitas has three washing machines, two of them are broke at the moment. So many residents with so many dirty wash, and just one washing machine, sigh! I tumble my wash always early in the morning, so I'm sure I will be first. I had to go all the way to the first floor with my dirty laundry, no elevator around, lol! And the dryer is on the second floor, it's alright. I took it easy today, one nap I took. 

I have been searching for houses aswell today, as always but it goes so slowly. I'm sure I will get picket out for a house one day, but still. There's a site that I found it's called Domijn, that's the site where I look for houses in Enschede, Enschede is the city where I have the most changes to get a house. I have a few sites more but Domijn is the best. If you look once a day it will be enough, here in Holland we don't have many houses for rent or sale. Holland is small.  

I look every day on all the sites I know, and that's the only thing I can do. Here in the city (Almelo) where I live I don't have that much chance for a house. Almelo works with a point system, every month you get one point. You must have atleast thirthy or fourty points to get a chance for a house, thirhty or fourty  points is thirthy to fourty months, and that's long, atleast two years. I'm already six months at Humanitas, wow! The time flies. 

I can stay here for another three months, cause the limit is nine months. But I'm sure Humanitas will let me stay a little longer like they do with every resident. But hey! If I can find a house in the next comming three months I will have to go, first have a look ofcource if the 'new' house suites me, and then I'm outta here. I think there will be a few tears cause I been trough so many things here in the last six months, it's almost unbelievable. I'm glad I had the oppertunity, I wouldn't wanna miss it. I learned here many things aswell.

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