Friday, September 30, 2011

"Just start!"

"Just start!"

Ugh! I didn't know where to start writing about, after 30 minutes I thought, "Just start," lol! I wonder if I'm on my 300th post yet, I will check it later. I past the 200th, that I know. I really like my blog, just that sometimes I like to read back some of the posts, there are so many though. I like writting in my blog, most of the time it relieves, and sometimes it heals me aswell. It's hard though sometimes reading back cause I always see some writing mistakes or I think 'I should have written that line different, it doesn't make sense.' Then I change the mistake and end up not reading other posts, lol.

It's been such a nice and warm days lately, actually extreme for the time of the year. 26 degrees celcius, for 3 days long now, and still it's warm. Hope fully it stays this weekend warm aswell, tomorrow I planned to go to Ikea. Just looking around and see what I could or can buy, I wont buy big things or expensive things. First I want to get my finacial stuff settled, I guess that will take a few months. I don't mind though, I'm fine how I live now, I can cook, shower, wash my laundry, sleep, etc, etc. I even got internet, where I'm happy with. Although a TV would be nice too, that will come too, but not yet.

Today I did a few things, I went first to the Doctor for my blood results. His assistant told me that my blood results were getting better, (Thyroid) my thyroid has been a mess since a few months, but I didn't noticed much of it. My blood levels were to high, now after taking new mediciaction with a higer doses the results are getting better, "Were not there yet, but were getting there," said the assistant. I will have to take the same medication with the same doses for about 10 weeks, in the 9th week I will test my blood again. After the Doctor's visit I went to do some groceries for the comming weekend and week. I decided to buy 'chicken tonight' for a dinner for 'myself' next week, to much potatoes makes my forehead big, LOL! 
In the afternoon I bought two window blinds for in the sleeping room, just cheap ones, but nice ones! While attatching them one fell on the floor , Gr*#$@Rr! It broke and it couldn't be fixed, I will have to buy another one. Damn, these blind were cheap ones, you really have to handle them with care. Oh well, next time I got them complete, now just one blind is hanging. Looks great! And that was it actually, I took my rest aswell and had a nice dinner. Salad, potatoes with a nice steak. Tomorrow I will take it easy in the morning, and then IKEA! I'm looking forward to it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Here Comes The Sun!

Here comes the sun!

The sun has been shinning a few days now and it's warm, 25 degrees and a blue sky. After summer? I guess so. Do I like it? Uhm, no, I love it!! Although this morning was almost freezing cold, I noticed the days are getting shorter. Autumn is comming at us, brown, yellow and lightgreen leaves. It was a nice day today, I worked and it went okay. The work we had to do was boring though but it had to be done, packing and folding 10 container bags into one big envelope. You had to fold them corectly so that they could fit in the envelop. Once you get the hang of it it went better.

Not that much happen today, I notice that my life is feeling easier now, I'm just feeling 'fine' I'm okay with the things what's comming towards me. Even when I think of my time in Canada, I just feel not much pain anymore, sure I miss the kids a bit, but the crying and suffering is over. But I will never forget my time there, and never forget the people who I met and spend lots of time with. But my life is here now, I'm moving along. I'm looking forward to the things what will come towards me, or should I call them suprises. I feel happier in my house then two weeks ago. I'm adjusting.

Plans for the weekend? Yes! Tomorrow I will have a peek on my list 'Things need to be done,' and complete some of them. I need to go to my Doctor tomorrow for my bloodresults and new medication, I still have 2 pills, not much I know. I will do some adress changes too while I'm there. Buying a agenda is also on the list plus grocery shopping. Saturday I might go to Ikea, when I say might it's usually a 'I'm going,' lol. I will have a peek around there and look at the prices. The weather is gonna be good, another 25 degrees for the weekend. One thing what is less bothering me is that I still didn't recieve a message back from Saf, I sent her two times a mail asking her for my belongings, we had a deal.

She's not like that at all that she's not responding, cause she always responded. I don't like to argue or fight with her, I dislike it. I will wait with sending a message again for a little while, and then I will try it again, I so don't like the asking for my stuff but I have too, we had a deal. The fact that's she's not responding on my 'I would like to recieve my belongings' mail, hurts me more then actually getting the belongings. I will see... First a nice weekend.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"I need a agenda!"

"I need a agenda!" 

I sure do need a agenda, with all the messages, information and homework what I get, specially today.Today I went to Humanitas with my new counselor as a last visit, we had to be there at 2:00pm. The last visit at Humanitas I could see as a 'transfer,' transfering me from my old counselor to my new counselor. I was nice on time, kinda akward feeling to be there again though. Paula greeted me and shouted, "Look at my pregnant stomach, it's growing like crazy." And it did, in a few weeks her belly swolled up like it never did. I congrated her, it was so nice seeing her again, and some other staffmembers. We took place in a small office, the small office was the same place when I first came to Humanitas to sign the paper for living there. Now I left, and I'm in the same office, funny!

We were together to sign some papers and to see what's all been done and what all still needs to be done, it's like Humanitas is handing me over to my new counselor, my new counselor (I will look up his name again one day, lol) needs to know every detail, what's been done and what's not been done. He knew already alot of things, but this was like the last bits. It was nice being together, but aswell I felt a bit ashamed cause I didn't understand a few things, so I blushed and told them, "I don't know and I can't remember." There are so many things to remember, when I think I wrote down everything, I still forget the last little parts, sigh, I need a agenda for sure, lol. I will get one, no wait, I will get two agenda's. Just to write down everything what I need to know and what I still need to do, (homework!)  This is going to be a good learning school for me.

After the visit to Humanitas me and my new counselor were heading to our next appointment, the Cityhall. We were right on time and it was our turn before we knew it. The lady who guided us asked me where she could help us with, and my counselor looked at me. "Do I have to say something now?" Were my thoughts. It seemed I had a little black out, cause I didn't know what to say. It was a busy day and my head was full, and I was thinking that everything was going so smooth, lol. My new counselor helped me out, and then it went better, still a bit struggling and stuttering, but okay. I explained the lady that this situation is so new for me, I never had to deal with such kinda things, never ever in my life, and it's so much. I lived on my own befor, but that was such a different situation. I didn't came from Canada or from Humanitas back then, but just from my parents.

Bck then I didn't had to struggle to get a house for myself or struggle to get income or get furniture or whatever I needed to live on my own. I didn't had a break up behind me or had to deal with homeless people, back then it was much easier. Easier to deal with things, aswell the finance. But I will get trought this barricade, once I get this all settled I will be knowing alot more and will be standing stronger in my shoes, with a agenda in my hand, lol. After the appointment I recieved alot of information, and the lady was so nice, she told me that I could call her daily if I had a question or if I needed a appointment with her.My new counselor made a new appointment with me for next week, and gave me some homework, well, I asked for it actually. He does things for me, but I'm doing things aswell. It's good for me. I'm making lists and write down what still needs to be done, ect, ect, ect.

Still it bothered me a bit this afternoon, cause I want to be able to do things aswell, without stuttering to get out of my words, like I use to do back then. Without needing that little kick in my butt to get me going, like I didn't need back then. Sure things has changed alot, I talked about it with my new counselor. I told him that I changed, I feel like I want to fight for things more, and that I WANT to change positively. Back then when I lived on my own (alone) I didn't care, I lived my life, I came around with my money and I did my daily things, and that was it. Now after I had my time in Canada and my time at Humanitas I changed, sure it was though comming back to Holland and Humanitas wasn't easy, but now I'm here and feel stronger. My time in Canada and Humanitas made me aware that I'm  able to do many more things, I'm stronger then I thought and I would like to continue that... It was a hard learning school....

A nice suprice this morning, my Aunt and my Uncle came by with the blinds, and they fitted! Yay!! There's a little story behind the blinds. Once these blinds belonged to my Mom and Dad, and now there mine. When my Mom died in 2000 me and my Dad lived still in the same house. Untill Dad couldn't take care of himself anymore, he had to move to a care house, all the furniture had to go to, well most of it then. The blinds went to my Aunt and Uncle but the blinds didn't fit, she kept them though, for just incase. Now I got them, and they perfectly fit, they were specially measured and made back then. To attach the blinds to the wall was hard work (on my own) but I managed. I'm happy with them, finally I can sit in private without the neighbors thinking I'm peeking, lol

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Many hands make light work,

Many hands make light work. 

Today went better then yesterday, I felt a bit better about the 'Bob' situation. I will just let it come over me, and see what happens. When I got back from work  Paula called me to ask me if I was able to come to Humanitas at 2:00 pm tomorrow. I told her that I could but I had aswell a appointment at 3:00 pm with my new counselor, I told Paula this trough the phone. Paula knew that I had 'that' appointment but she told me that the new counselor will be at Humanitas too at 2:00 pm. Humanitas and my new counselor wanted to have a talk about the 'transfer' from my old counselor (Paula) to my new counselor. Discusing the last few things what is needed. After the 2:00 pm appointment me and my new counselor will be heading to the cityhall for another appointment.

A full afternoon but I'm more then happy with it, I can use a little help and some more assertivity, lol. And I will be able to get some more answers from Humanitas if I still have some questions for them, plus I will get alot of answers from the cityhall. Tomorrow morning I will make a little note what still need to be done or where I still need answers from. Work was okay today, it was boring but it had to be done. For a change it had nothing to do with wood, we had to put two little stickers on a little plastic bag filled with potpourri. There were more then 12000 little bags, if the little potpourri bags were done we had to put them in a box, 36 in one box. Some of the bags broke, then we had to get a new little bag and fill it again with potpourri. The stickers were rubbish though, they didn't even stay on, sigh!

Today aswell a call from my Aunt, she will come with a curtain tomorrow morning for the livingroom. I measured the window two weeks ago, and informed her about it. My Aunt has still the old curtain from my Mom and Dad when I still lived with them, it's huge and it's so so if it will fit, but I will see that tomorrow. I hope it fits. It's a certain kind of curtain though, we called it a rolgordijn (blinds?) I think blinds is the cheapest and the easiest way to cover and decorate my windows. There so easy to attatch too. Yeah, I really hope the 'rolgordijn' will fit tomorrow, I'm getting a bit tired of people looking trough my window. I'm happy though that I live 'one' floor high. The people might think that I'm peeking to them, but I'm not, I'm just a owner of an house who can't afford curtains (blinds) yet, lol.

Monday, September 26, 2011

A bit of a ugh!/Damn!/Sigh! Day...

A bit of a ugh!/Damn!/Sigh! Day...

Sometimes we have them all, those days that you feel like ugh! And sigh! Sometimes without any reason, but I had a reason to feel ugh and sigh today. While riding to work I got to hear from a resident from Humanitas that I will get a new neighbor soon, he's a resident from Humanitas and his name is Bob. I wasn't happy with that, now Bob is a friendly guy who waited almost for one and a half year for a house for himself at Humanitas, let's say he deserves it more then anyone. Bob is a bit younger then me, Bob is also a drinker, and when he drinks he gets loud and rough. Bob has alot of friends and they visit him so now and then, he has aswell friends from Humanitas, who I know too.They will be visiting him too.

Bob is nice when he doesn't drink, but when he drinks, yeah I just mentioned it, he will be loud and rough in his attitude. I dislike that, I seen enough of that attitude while living at Humanitas. I would like to avoid those kinda people, I would like to close that page. I mentioned it aswell towards my counselor Paula a month ago, and she even wrote it down in my end rapport.  Here's a little piece of the end rapport... 

...Sjon is worried if he will be strong/assertive enough in the comming future to leave the old residents out of his house. They might be comming for a visit or for whatever. Sjon lived at Humanitas for eight months, in these eight months he had always people around him, he talked and spent time with them. It's normal then he will get visits from old residents, he will try to avoid some or most of them. Help is needed....

Paula wrote this part but paula was also the one who told Bob there was a house free in the street where I live, and in the same building/complex where I live. Hmm! I know the housing corporation has a part of this aswell, the housing corporation offered Bob this house, Paula was the one who told Bob the (good) news. This news made me feel a bit sick the whole day, I was tired and felt like I had a brick on my chest. Yeah, I dislike it when Bob comes, I would dislike it aswell if any resident would come live near me, uhm, no that's not true, I'm overeacting now. Sigh!

But still, like I said, I closed the page Humanitas, I would like to continue my life from here on. Ofcource I see the old residents daily, I can't stop that, but that's the line. In my own house and area I would like to live on my own without them, having my own privacy. It's not that I dislike the old residents, but like I said, I closed that page! At work thinking of this made me feel a bit sick, I was annoyed and quiet aswell. I even told it my Boss, he told me he understood it a 100%, "You should inform this to your new counselor, talk about it with him," My Boss told me. And I sure will do that. During the day I already was thinking ahead, thinking of Bob and his friends knocking at my door at 2:00 am being drunk, and asking me to go with them for a drink. 

I'm a terrible 'no' sayer, I'm just not asserive enough with these people. Telling 'no' to such people feels like a insult for them. These are my thoughts and I think I'm close that I'm right, I spend eight months with them, I know them. Ofcource I thinking way ahead, Bob is not even living here yet. Ugh, what a day, maybe it will be a good assertive lesson for me, lol. Learning to say no, to Bob. And what can the housing corporation say? No? You can't live there, cause Sjon wants privacy?  And what can Paula do? Nothing actually. Still it bothers me and worries me. And I shouldn't even worry or let it bother me, I know. 

I will discuse this up comming Wednesday with my new counselor, let's see what he says or thinks about it. Maybe more people from Humanitas will come living here in this building, If that's gonna happen, I will move again, thoughts, thoughts, STOP thinking ahead Sjon! On top of that my counselor at work, (who's following me trough this working project and looks for work for me) might had a job for me, but in another village! Sigh, I thought, "Here we go again." The village where the job is is in 'Albergen,  almost 45 minutes with a bike. The work I had to do is in a sawmill, that's heavy work. And I told my work counselor already what kinda work I'm able off, he knows my background from the inside and outside.He knows every detail and he knows what I want.

And still he choosed heavy work where I have to ride my bike to in 45 minutes, I had many people searching for jobs for me, and many of them did 'such' things, mostly choosing the wrong job. In the end I will go there and do the work I have to do, but I'm sure will end up being tired and quit the job.  My work counselor had a look today at the sawmill, and prolly he will inform me about his visit tomorrow. I will tell him though that it's to far for me with a bike and that the work for me is to heavy. I can always have a look though, without looking ahead and already give a opinion. I will hear it tomorrow. I was not feeling well about the 'Bob' news this morning, that's why I gave already to fast a opinion in my head for the job the counselor had for me.

Back from work I felt a bit better about the situation,  (Bob) I thought to much ahead. Wednesday I will discus it with my new counselor, and further, oh well, I will see what happens next. I had a nice free dinner again at the church, still feeling a bit so so aboutn this morning. Seeing some of the homeless people at dinner made the feeling a bit stronger, I had it a bit with the people I met and saw at Humanitas, now I need my privacy. Surely I will see them so now and then, that's fine, but there's a line. And for tomorrow, I'm looking forward to work, that's a good thing.

Sunday, September 25, 2011



Yep, another Sunday, time to relax and prepairing for the next working day. Yesterday I was busy with the flea-market, so, what I didn't do yesterday I will do today. I cleaned up a little bit, checked my mail and I ironed, My God, I ironed, that's been a while. No, I didn't dance, lol or make funny faces, I just ironed. And further, well further not much, I cooked dinner, and that was it. I think I will go to bed early tonight, I'm tired and sleepy, although I took two naps.

Looking back... 

I shouldn't look back, but sometimes I do, it goes automaticly. Looking back at my time at Humanitas and my time in Canada. About my time in Canada I can say, reminding myself of that time does hurt me much less. I can look at pictures and think, yeah that was a nice time, I can look at statuses or comments on Facebook from the kids and just think, oh, nice. It hurts me less, I can take things easier. And that does me good. Once Noor asked me for my cell-phone number, but I told her that I had to charge my phone first. I wasn't ready for a phonecall, and still I'm not. Noor is a nice girl and doesn't hold back on anything, I care about her and ofcource the other kids too. Tasn, Ab, Mar and Cle.

Would I ever go back to Canada for a short vacation? Yeah I surely would/will! But not to visit Saf and the kids, I will be to nerves, or I think I will be to nerves to see 'them' again, specially the kids. Nerves of there reaction, will they be excited? Or won't they be excited? The  won't makes me nerves, that's why I rather not visit them. But perhaps time can change things, I would love to see them once again. Let's say for a visit of a week or a few days and then return. It's all fine with me. Will I be sad when I will leave again then? Naah, I don't think that. When I'm thinking now of planning a little trip to Canada, I'm thinking to have a short vacation in Mississauga, I really liked being in Canada, it's a great country with friendly people. 

Perhaps visiting some friends. For the same reason visiting Canada will bring me back memories, and perhaps I will get sad feelings again. Uhm, yeah, cause there will be loads of memories for sure, every street, shop, you name it, ah, I will see. I guess I'm not ready yet when I'm thinking now of traveling to Canada. Pity though, oh well, maybe next year I will have different thoughts of traveling to Canada. Thinking back of my time at Humanitas, I can say that Humanitas was a part that changed my life aswell, just as my time in Canada. At Humanitas I didn't had much time for privacy, I was almost forced to communicate, what was good for me. And almost no time for privacy, that was good for me aswell kinda, cause I had enough privacy when I lived on my own.

Still I see the old residents from Humanitas, I see some of them at work every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I see some of them aswell at the 'free dinner,' every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Do I like that? Yeah I do, thinking of living in this city makes me glad aswell. I lived here now for eight months and I see the ins and outs of Almelo. It was better to live here then to live in another city where I would not know a thing. I like it here. Wow, this post gives me aswell a bit sad thoughts and feelings, not that much from Humanitas, but from Canada. Although it was a overwhelminmg time, I had a great time aswell. Still I miss the kids sometimes, and sometimes Saf. I spend alot time with the kids, specially the two young ones.

As the days weeks, months and years go by, I guess there will always be a time that I think of them and miss them. And as the days, weeks, months and years go by I will always love them and care about them! Even though I'm far away, no matter what! Sniff...........

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"One man's junk is another man's treasure!"

"One man's junk is another man's treasure!"

Just had a great day, a full day and a nice day. Alot of Sjonshine and not even cold. Today I planned to go to the flea market in Hengelo. Hengelo is a city near by Almelo, It is about thirty minutes with a bike. This morning I took it easy, I had a nice shower and the laundry was just about done when I wanted to take of to the market. I left around 12 noon and arrived an hour later at the market, the market was inside and was huge. The bike ride went okay, it was further then I thought, lol, but okay, I managed. 

I looked around and enjoyed myself, I could have taken a million pictures of the nicest things I saw. And Isaw really everything, I did not miss a thing. Alot of antique and alot of Delfts blauw and Boerenbont dishes, pottery, etc. See Wikipedia, Boerenbont and Delfts blauw. There nice to look at but there not comming in my kitchen. I like the antique old fashion stuff I saw, there so old that they could be sold modern again, lol. I bought four old fashion cans for a nice price, I could not actually believe the price, cause five minutes ago I saw the same cans being sold for 22 Euro. I bought the four cans for 7 Euro, lol. Sometimes you have to be lucky, right?

I did not want to spend much money, I took some money with me what I could spend for this day. I bought aswell three comic books from Asterix and Obelix, I used to read these books when I was six or seven. I saw more comic book but I though, these will do it for now. The market was huge and perhaps I will be seeing more what I like. There were loads of kids clothes and toys, perhaps parents digged out the toy boxes from there childeren, lol. In the end I really saw enough though, it was getting all much of the same, so many little stuff. Next time I should take more pictures, but I did not want to cause the sellers might get upset. Every picture I took I asked first for permission. 

I did not even know what time it was, but I planned to retrurn home, but first an icecream. I bought a large one, and it was filling. I looked and checked what I bought, two little wooden shoes, three comic books, four cans for in the kitchen and two presents for someone in Canada, it is her Birthday soon. Ooh I saw alot of stuff what I could buy for her, but in the end I saw just to much. This sure will not be my last visit to a flea or second hand market, it felt like I was in Goodwill but much bigger. After my icecream I returned home, what a ride it was, I was exhausted when I got back. I thought dinner can wait a while, first a sit down. It was 5:30pm when I got back, nice time. 

Above the treasure I bought, nice. Tomorrow I will relax and just do nothing, everything is done. Laundry is clean, groceries are bought, showered, the house is clean, it is all good. A few updates, I sent a message to my provider telling them I found a rootkits virus on my old laptop and that I got rit of it, I hope that they don't send me any messages again, I dislike it! I heard nothing yet from Saf that she shipped my belongings, did she shipped it already? I do not know, maybe she did, maybe she did not. I will ask her again after a month, I do not like it when she does not response, but I am not gonna waste my energy in getting upset. After a month I will perhaps know more...................or not.

Friday, September 23, 2011

"Press any key.... Where is the any key?"

"Press any key.... Where is the any key?" 

A few weeks ago I had a message from my provider, (Telfort) before that I couldn't get on the internet, my screen had a message from Telfort, saying  there might be major problems with your computer, there is a major virus found called rootkit on your computer. Further the message on the screen said that I had to check my Email for further details, well I couldn't get on the internet cause Telfort shut it down, for I don't know how long. On the bottom of the screen was a little message saying, "Reboot your modem and try again." After I did that it took me five minutes to be back on the internet again, yay, but akward. There was nothing wrong with the internet, it worked just fine. Later that day I checked my Email, searching for the details from Telfort.

I found the message and it said.... "NOTE: This email contains important information about a security problem that your Internet connection is detected. Please read this email carefully.
 We have found that one of the computers you are using potentially is infected with a rootkit virus, and that's a part of a botnet. A botnet is a network of infected computers, who can be controlled to perform all sorts of (illegal) orders by one single person. Further more personal data through a botnet can be stolen, such as passwords, surfing habits, address, etc.b In this case there is a torpig / mebroot infection found.
Torpig (which is usually found with Mebroot) is a botnet. It is nestled in the MBR (Master Boot Record), the piece on the hard disk that is loaded before your OS. It is possible that your virus scanner can not find anything, not even in safe mode. It is therefore important that you at least scan the two tools mentioned in this email. Torpig focuses to steal sensitive information, thinking of banking information, credit cards, paypal accounts, but also passwords you use for different services. Possibly one computer (s) remotely send instructions for the botnet infection.
Telfort sent me some links to help out... 
Mebroot is quite difficult to remove, there are some tools that can help: (run the update after installation, and then a full scan. Check carefully what is found)
Use both tools to ensure that nothing can be found on your MBR. Are you using Windows Vista or Windows 7, do not forget the tool to run as administrator / administrator, using right click on the file and choose Run as administrator.
Do you have a wireless network, make sure it is protected by WPA or WPA2. WEP is not sufficient, because within two minutes to crack. A secure wireless network prevents third parties may use your connection, so an infected computer can connect to your connection with these complaints.
I have a WPA2 connection, so I'm good with that.
Should you opt for a system reinstallation, it is important that the MBR is rewritten. If you reinstall Windows using the CD you can delete all existing partitions, then a new one. Additional information about Mebroot / Torpig can be found on the following pages.
It is important to you as soon as possible to send a response to this warning.If we receive no response, security and the problem persists, it may be that we will temporarily block your Internet connection until the problem is resolved. We would like to hear your response on whether the scans are actually things found. 

With kind regards, Ramond Teunissen, Telfort abuseteam.

I responded with 3 email's telling them what I did, I downloaded the Malwarebyte scan and did a full scan, within a hour the scan was done. Nothing was found. Second I downloaded the Kaspersky scan tool, it was a system scan, this tool was done in 10 minutes and nothing was found. Still I was on the internet, sigh! Within two days Telfort responded on my 3 messages...
Dear Mr. Veldhuis,
When both scanners have found nothing, then this will mean that this problem still exists. If this PC is not the only PC that is connected, please also perform the scans on other computers. If on other PCs not found (or when only one PC), please check the following:
Do you have a wireless network? Make then sure it is protected by WPA or WPA2. WEP is not sufficient. A secure wireless network prevents third parties may use your connection, so an infected computer can connect to your connection with these complaints.

 I checked it!! And I told them twice I have a WPA2 connection!

There are some additional tools available which you can use to identify this problem: # files
To check the MBR, you can use: gmerek ~ / aswMBR.htm
Both tools check your MBR and see if there is a rootkit at present. Are you using Windows Vista or Windows 7,do  not forget the tool to run as administrator / administrator, using right click on the file and choose Run as administrator.
GMER is a root scanner, trying to determine if your computer is actually infected with a rootkit. MBR.exe, which originates from the same site can look for root kits that have hidden themselves in the MBR. Note that some malware does not allow you to visit the links above, or the downloaded software upgrade.
In this case, please keep us informed of the results of scans.
Should you opt for a system reinstallation, it is important that the MBR is rewritten. If you reinstall Windows using the CD you can delete all existing partitions, then a new one.
Sincerely / With Kind regards,
Raymond Teunissen
Telfort Abuse Team.

Kinda Akward to say that,  "When both scanners have found nothing, then this will mean that this problem still exists." Right? Well I think I know that my new laptop is okay, but my second 'old' one could be a problem. So I did a full scan there to from Malwarebyte plus a Ksspersky system scan too, the Malwarebyte scan took almost 3 hours, damn! In those three hours I took a nap, did grocery, and shaved my hair, lol. I was kinda tired of those Telfort messages though, they keep sending mails. Internet works, leave me alone! I was told that Telfort does that, if they sence there´s something going on they block the person from the ingternet, sigh! It´s safety I know but still, if it works, leave it alone. Anyway the Malwarebyte was nearly done and nothing was found, but! 

Avast found something, and yes it was the evil rootkit virus! Avast asked me if I want to get rid of the virus, uhm, duh, YES!?  I had to restart the laptop and then it should have been gone, after restarting my second old laptop, avast did automaticly another scan, and that was it. So I know now that my second laptop has/had a virus. Ugh! UGH! Always something with computers, tomorrow I will check the old laptop again and use the other tools to what Telfort sent me, and after that I will inform them what I did, cause otherwise they will un-connect me from the internet. Can I say bastards? Hmm, I know it's to get my computer or provider save again, but still. Anyway on with the day... 

Today was okay, I got up on a nice time, around 6:30 I think. Worked on the computer, fixing it. I went aswell to ING, to ask for some envelopes and for some information about 'adress changes,' ING neededto know that I have moved to another adress. Still my Doctor needs to know aswell that I have moved, but it's not that important yet, I will do that next week when I will ask for my blood results. I have now contact trough Hotmail with my new conselour aswell, a nice relief, I dislike phones, lol. By the way his name is Sohoya, I will get used to that name, lol. 

I did my grocery and I planned to go out tomorrow, not sure yet though, but in the end I will go anyway, lol. There's a huge indoor flea market tomorrow and Sunday's, it's quiet a bike ride but anyway, I will see. I think it's a 30 minute ride with a bike, the town is called 'Hengelo.' I sure love flea markets, specially now, who knows what I will find there what I can use for the house, right? I should just go, yeah, I'm going tomorrow! Dinner was nice, potatoes (been a while) with red cabbage and a sausage, desert was vanille cream pudding. After dinner I went on my laptop, it still works the internet, (knock three times, lol) I keep my fingers crossed. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

TGIT, Thank God it's Thursday! Weekend!!

TGIT, Thank God it's Thursday! Weekend!!

Yay! Weekend, time for some rest and some time for myself. It's a nice mix I must say, it's nice to meet my workers at work, and it's nice to meet the old residents at Humanitas and at the free dinner, but in the weekends or mostly on every evening it's nice aswell to be on my own a bit. That will change though, cause I want to get out more, join a sport or a club, find a hobby, ect, ect. But for now it's nice, I like it.  I'm doing well, I like how it is at the moment, I see people and I have my privacy aswell. Today I had a good start, I worked today and it went good. As the day went by I was getting tired though, the end of the week sneaked in and took away my energy. Like always in the end of the week, it's a sign I need my rest and my relaxation.

There's a guy working at Reha and I think I mentioned him before, his name is Mark. Mark went with me a few months ago to Ikea, to pick out the laminate I wanted and the matrass. Mark has a light form of ADHD, he's rough and he's a little to busy so now and then, but he's nice aswell. Sometimes he can be annoying cause of his ADHD, he's then to loud, to busy, and sometimes to rough. Today he he had a accident at work, and we all saw it comming. Most of us were saying to each other, "One day he will get a accident if he goes on like that." Mark works rough and fast. Like last Monday me and Mark  had to saw wood into little square parts, 7cm by 7cm, we used the major electric saw for that. (see picture underneath)

At work we have a saw like this, we used it for the wood we had to saw in little squares.

The wood we had to saw was bad and very fragile, some of the wood you could brake apart just like that. We had to saw little square parts of it, 7cm by 7cm. I was carefull cause the first one I had to saw the saw went a bit wild, I had to pull the electric but aswell push it a bit back, cause first the sawing went heavy and suddenly it went like crazy. You could say I had to stire the saw a bit trough the wood, when I did it a few times I was getting used to it, but still, safety first. I had to be carefull and take it easy. Mark didn't mind that much while sawing, he was carefull but not as carefull as I was, he wanted this to be done, with a little bit of his ADHD and his roughness he went crazy but steady. If the saw stummbled he did't wait but pulled it trough the wood like he had a axe in his hand. So wrong.

Another worker and I looked at him and I said to him, "One day he will regret this." He agreed. The day after Mark did the same work, sawing and pulling, untill the saw suddenly stopped. The saw was overheated, no wonder! Mark had to go on another electric saw and the Boss told him to take it easy this time, and he did. This Morning Mark had to make something for a friend of him, he walked to the little electric saw, most of the workers were in another hall. Wae have two halls, one hall is where all the odered wood comes in and some of the wood will be sawed. in the other hall is where all the furniture will be made, My section, lol. Anyway, Mark had to saw something on the little electric saw in hall B, suddenly he walks the other hall in and shouts, "I need help cause I'm bleeding."

The type of saw Mark used.
Most of us were not paying much attention on him, cause we were busy, we thought he just needed a bandage. Later on the Boss went with him towards the cantine and put a bandage on him, lots of bandage. When I saw him I went a bit pale and felt nauseos, just the idea that he had his hand in the saw (it wasn't that bad though) made me feel a bit eeek! And ouch! Mark was taken to the Hospital, first aid. He could walk though, the pain was okay and he talked normal. Another worker looked at the saw and cleaned up the tiny little spots of blood, it was needed (sorry) All workers felt a bit eek and nauseos, Mark came back later and had a clean bandage on and his arm in a esmarchbandage. He smiled and made a few jokes, sight, that's Mark. The Doctor adviced hime to take a week rest. Oops, Mark and rest? Right!

Mark had a huge scarf in two fingers, he was luck though that he didn't dammaged his tendons. He was brought home and we all went back to work, I had the same work in the afternoon I did like last Monday, sawing the little square parts (7cm by 7cm)  Yep, the bad wood was still there. I had to saw it on the major saw together with Henkie. With still the thought's of Mark I and Henkie went to work, but first we cleaned up, "Nothing works better with a clean spot, safety first!" Said Henkie. I agreed with him, the sawing went fine, we took our time and took it easy. Still I think it's better to have more safety on our work, I mean we have 3 electric saws in one hall, anything can happen, and then? Ofcource the 'Dutch labour inspectorate' will visit us after what happened with Mark, I'm happy with it. Safety first! 

The Dutch Labour Inspectorate is a part of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment and oversees the work as the rules surrounding workplace legislation. The monitoring shall include the keeping of inspections. For violations, the Labor fines.

Today was a nice day, a bit sad about Mark, but hey, I hope he learned from it. Today aswell I had a phonecall from my new counselor, he made a appointment with the lady who I (tried) to talk with about the switching of the bank account numbers at the cityhall. Me and my counselor have some things to settle and arrange there, finally I can make a start to settle a few things, sigh! I hope it all turns out well, I'm sure it will.  Now I have weekend, tomorrow I ordered myself to do a few things aswell like my counselor does also. But surely I will take my rest and my relaxation too, Planning some 'me' time. I'm ready for the weekend!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life is too deep for words, so don’t try to describe it, just live it.

Life is too deep for words, so don’t try to describe it,  just live it.

Another full day has ended, and everyday I achieve something. That should be my goal, achieve something everyday, doesn't matter if it's small or big, everything counts, right? I woke up early tand took my time to wake up slowly, It was 6:15 and red some flyers, then breakfast at 7:00, then getting ready for my bloodwork and a visit to the city hall. Bloodwork should be done in no time I thought, but when I arrived at the Doctor's for getting my bloodwork papers I saw that the whole staff was on vacation, the office was dark and I saw a note with written on it where to to go get a (following) Doctor. Sigh! The note said aswell where I had to be to visit that Doctor, Bellavista street Number 18. I kinda knew where I had to go but for just incase I asked a lady who was cleaning. 'This is prolly gonna be a long morning," I thought.

Arrived at the Bellavista street, I walked into the building, (I have been there before) and walked to the desk and had to wait. There was a Turkish lady before me with her young Daughter, she was jumping around me and made funny noises. I joined her a bit and she laughed, cute little girl. It was my turn and I told the lady behind the desk  my story and why I was here. "Actually you shouldn't be here cause every 'other' patient goes on alphabetic order, didn't you read the note?"asked the lady. I was at Doctor Tiemens office, my last name starts with a V, so actually I should have went to a Docter named Wellings. Sigh again, long morning, I told ya. But the lady was nice and told me that she normally doesn't do this and "Ssshh," she told me, "Don't tell anyone, I will give your paper for the bloodwork." Nice of her, I could even take blood in the same building, it saved me for riding all the way to the hospital. Ya me!

Next station was the cityhall or townhall,or they call it  seat of local goverment? But that's such a mouthfull, I will call it the cityhall. 

Wikipedia said: In local goverment, cityhall, townhall or (more rarely) a municipal building or civic centre, is the chief adminstrative building of a city town or other municipality. It usually houses the city or town council its associated departments, and their employees. It also usually functions as the base of the major of a city, town, borough or county. 

I had to be there to inform them that I wanted 'there' income to recieve on my own account (ING) and not on Humanitas's account, like it did for 8 months  when I still lived at Humanitas. Last week I filled in a paper what I recieved from the cityhall, they recieved the message from me that I been moved to another adress. The paper I filled in was not in enough proof for them to confirm with the changing from the bank accounts, they needed copies and more information/proof. When I got there there was a line up, ofcource. I waited more then 45 minutes untill it was my time, I informed the lady behind the desk why I was here. I couldn't just walk in and talk the person I needed to talk with, said the lady, but said the lady,  I could call that person here in the cityhall. I did that before and I thought, "Okay, let's try that again." There was only one phone and I knew already from the last time I tried to call, that it will take long.

I didn't mind cause I wanted this to get trough, and I got the whole morning, so. They put me on hold for 20 minutes when I called, then a guy asked me, "Can I help you?" I told the guy who I needed to talk with and the guy putted me trough, the person who I wanted to talk with came on the phone, and I told her my story and what I needed. The lady told me, that everything can be aranged here, I can make the copies what I need here, then I can fill in a special paper for 'changing bank account numbers. That paper I can get at desk 14, fill in the paper, sign it, and put the copies with it and deliver it at desk 14. Done! I was done in 10 minutes but everything took me more then a hour, the waiting took me along time, waiting to be helped at desk 14, waiting with phoning, waiting at the copy machine. The new counselor was a bit late but that was okay, I already heard him trough the phone last week, and by the hearing of his voice I heard a accent. I thought he was Turkish, but he wasn't. \

When he came inside he looked Dutch to me, but his name wasn't Dutch, his parents are from Poland. He's a very nice guy, he will guide me what all has still to be done. You can compare it what Paula (ex-counselor) did with me at Humanitas. The new counselor will help me with my finance, to get everything settled what still has to be done. "Were gonna do it together,' said the counselor, this first meeting was to get to know each other a bit. He had a rapport with him about me, on that rapport was written a bit of my background and the things what still need to be settled. I showed him my list aswell, he was happy with that, "Were gonna be a good team," he told me. He will help for atleast 9 months. But ofcource it can happen that we are done in 2 or 3 months. But again, I'm really happy with the help he offers.I'm reliefed, and I'm happy, what? I'm happy! And this is just the beginning...

I'm PROUD of myself, the things I achieve big or small makes me happy! Such a nice feeling! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Loving my new microwave, specially the sound as it goes, "Ping!!"

Loving my new microwave, specially the sound as it goes, "Ping!!"

Yeah, I got my stuff already, three or four weeks ago I went to the furniture project in this city. It's a huge hall and people with less money can make a appointment there and choose furniture, kitchen stuff, just anything for decorating or what's usefull in a house. The first time I went there I found it all rubbish and I couldn't choose actually what I wanted. The second time I went it felt better and I actually choosed a few items, I asked the people who helped there if they could deliver the stuffI choosed at my home. That was possible, only it would take three weeks, cause it was holiday and there were more people on the deliver list. The 22th of September they would deliver it at my home. They would send me a message or give me a call what time they will be delivering on the 22th.

Three weeks later (this week) I was thinking, "Hey the 22th is on my working day, Thursday, I have to work and I have no idea when they will arrive." I will have to know what time they will be comming to deliver my stuff, and I will have to ask my Boss aswell if I can go home for a little while to help them out with unpacking my stuff, after that I will return to work. That was my idea, so today at work I told the Boss about the furniture project and that they will deliver my stuff on Thursday and I had no clue yet what time. I asked If I could call to the deliver guys, that was okay. But I couldn't find a phonenumber from them anywhere, not even on the internet. The only solution was calling Humanitas. They know the number for the furniture project, I called. 

Da new kitchen table, plus the new microwave, oh yeah and two new chairs.

I regoniced the voice from the secetary from Humanitas and I asked the 'wanted' phonenumber, "Normally we don't do such things," said the secetary. Either way the secetary  will call them and after that she will call me back, alright.  After ten minutes the secetary called back with a suprise, the delivers have already been delivering my stuff this morning! WOOT!!  That was so weird to hear, and it wasn't even the 22th. What was going on?  The secetary told me that the delivers have already delivered my stuff this morning, and they saw that I wasn't at home. But that wasn't a problem, they took care of it, said the secetary, only what I could think of was "How? "  They don't have a key , they couldn't get in the building and not in my house. The secetary didn't know either, but she knew that the stuff was delivered and that I shouldn't worry about it. 

Okay! Maybe they just left a note, or the stuff stands outside, or a neighbor took it for so long till I come back. When I got back from work I drove by my house and didn't saw stuff outside, I went inside the building and... No sign of my stuff, untill I got to the second floor. Walking trough the hallway I saw first a table with two chairs, and when I walked further I saw at my frontdoor a microwave and a ironboard, lol. Every item had a note with my name on it and my adress, sigh! Weird and akward though that they just leave it there, but anyway, I took the delivered stuff inside and was happy with it, specially the table and the two chairs plus the microwave. I used already the microwave, *ping!* I warmed up marcaroni from last Sunday, yum! The table is brown and matches so nice with the laminate. The table is standing in the kitchen, nice to eat dinner at.

Microwave said, "Ping!"
Busy day ahead tomorrow,today  I had a mail from another agency (social welfare it's called I think) who gives me a second amount of money every month. The other agency (Gak) gives me money aswell every month but that amount of money is under the minimum wage. So the social welfare fills it up so that I have the minimum wage. In the mail the social welfare wanted me to confirm with them, cause I switched  my bank account number(s). First I recieved there money on the account from Humanitas, now I live on my own I need to have that money recieved on my own account (ING) I had to explain that to the social welfare in a letter, and so I did. Bit it wasn't enough, it wasn't clear to them, they wanted proof, copies. Tomorrow morning I will go there with proof. I copied a few papers so I can make it clear to them, keeping my fingers crossed. 

Tomorrow aswell the bloodwork, first I have to get papers from my Doctor, so that I can take blood at the hospital. Third thing I will have tomorrow is my new counselor, he will visit me tomorrow afternoon, he will help me out with lots of things hopefully, atleast that's his job, to get my financial stuff in order, but I will helpmyhself out too, lol. The new counselor has a end rapport about me from Humanitas, so he knows what to do, knows where he can help me with. I made a list too though, where I could use his help with too. I'm looking forward too it, it's about time. So much to do in my head and so less patience. Today at work a counselor told me that such things always needs time, "Your doing so well, give it time,"  he told me.
Sigh, and another sigh! I will give it time.

Monday, September 19, 2011

"Cold, colder, coldst."

"Cold, colder, coldest."

It was a cold and grey day today, specially in the morning when I head to go to work. I took my sweater with me, for just in case, I putted the sweater on at work cause it was way to cold. It was a nice day though at work, only the Boss was sick so the second Boss had to come earlier. The second Boss always comes an hour later, around 9:00. She works mostly on the office and guides new workers around.She's a very nice lady, she was the one drove me to Ikea for the laminate, she was a great help.

So, as from today my counselor at work will search for a payed job for me, finally actually,  I'm a bit 'eek' for the new job aswell, although I need it too and kinda looking forward to it. Specially cause I will get payed. That's the main thing I'm looking forward to it, for the rest it's a bit 'eek.' Ofcource, cause it will be 'new work,' new workers, a new Boss, etc, etc. I will have to inform the company where I get my monthly money from too when I get a new job. That company is called a employement agency, that agency gives me money every month. Oh gosh my English, lol. That agency has certain.

Some of the rules are that I now and then you have to search for work and apply, or how do you say that. If there's any improvent in my sickness I need to inform that to the agency too, aswell if I'm going to move or when there's any change in my life situation. Also when I go on vacation I have to inform them, for example when I went to Canada for a long time, lol. (I will never forget that again) So, when I will have a new payed job I will have to inform that I earn money from that job to that agency, and they will take a few procent of that earning, sigh! For example if I will earn 10 Euro a day, the agency will take 3 or 4 Euro of that earning, why? I don't know. Just a rule from our goverment and the agency. 

It's alot of work and lots of filling in papers, but it is as it is. When/if  I will get a contract where I work then, then I will get the full amount of money without the agency taking of so much procent. When I will get a payed job there is first the internship ofcource, to see how I'm doing. It's good for me aswell, so I can see and feel what it's like to work for 'that' new company. If I don't like it or my 'new' Boss doesn't like how I work then I will and can go back to Reha. Then 'they' will just search further for a new job, I like that. I know now already that I can't fullfill a whole week. I work at Reha 3 days and that's enough for me, perhaps 4 day's but that's the limit. 

Today there was the free dinner again, most of the food was self made. Like the apple sauce and the salad, it tasted good. After the dinner I drove towards home with 2 other members from Humanitas, they invited me to visit them at Humanitas, I went with them for a short while. It felt a bit weird comming back, opening the gate, trough the garden and then going upstairs. I visited Henkie, he was siting on his bed watching tv as always. It was okay being at Humanitas, but it felt akward aswell. Akward cause maybe a staffmember will see me and ask me what I'm doing here, visiting ofcource, lol. I shouldn't be worried. Visiting is normal. 

I guess what I'm thinking that the staffmembers think that I'm not the kinda person who will come back for a visit, oh well. I felt a bit of a relief when I returned home, yeah, you heard that good, 'Home!' 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday is the day of the week between Saturday and Monday.

Sunday is the day of the week between Saturday and Monday.  

I have no clue what to write, but i'll do my best, eventually I will write till the end of this post.I didn't do that much today, sigh, Sunday's means resting. There were some shops open and there was a little market in the city, but I didn't go. Save's money, lol. Most of the time I will end up buying something what I don't even need. Today I did a bit cleaning up, computering, and napping. I think these last three days I had my rest now, today I took only one nap, yesterday and Friday I took two long naps. After a busy week I need my rest, sure I can go on but in the end I will collaps and fall asleep or get sick.  This week I need to do some blood work again at the hospital, my medication is almost done. I think I go Wednesday, then I will have to wait five days for the blood results, in the meantime I need medication too. But I have enough, I counted them. 

Cornflakes with banana this morning.
Still no sign from my montly income, maybe the sum of money came on Humanitas's account, I will ask tomorrow. Or maybe I'm just a bit un-patience, I don't know, I'm calm though, in such situations. Other people won't even notice when I'm nervous or stressed. It comes from inside. There's another thing what bothers me lately, I should not mention it, but hey, it's my blog and I can write what I want. I always try a 100% not to hurt people or make them black when I mention them. It's about my personal belongings, there still in Canada with Saf. A month ago I wasn't daring enough to ask for my belongings, Saf and I had a deal, Saf could keep my complete computer, if she ship my belongings towards Holland.  It was her idea, and I agreed with it. 

Gotta love rainy Sundays, I do!
Two weeks ago I dared to write her a message and ask if she could ship my belongings, it wasn't easy to write that message though but I managed. I find it difficult to write such thing, I wrote that she could take her time with the shipping, "Take all the time you want." I don't have rush with my stuff, but there will come a day that I have to ask for it. So, I thought  why not now, otherwise I will keep deleting it. Anyway, I haven't heard from her yet, perhaps she's busy with work or has other things to do. Usually Saf writes me back after I sent her a message, but this time no, is two weeks to soon to get nervous or upset? I can think of a million things what can be going on, but I'm not gonna. The last thing I want is argues or fights again, I dislike that. Eventually I will hear what's going on. I'm not worried.

Fresh fruit!
And I hadn't had a clue what to write, lol, and now I'm already here with writing. Alright, just a few more hours and this Sunday is over, I'm ready for a full week. This week 3 days of work, 3 free dinners, Wednesday there will be my new counselor, the blood work needs to be done and perhaps next weekend there's the flea market. I'm ready!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

"A penny saved is a penny earnt."

"A penny saved is a penny earnt." 

Today was almost a day like yesterday, I rested alot, took two naps and ated three times. I'm a bit less worried about my money though, but still, I really could use some more of it. My Aunt called last night, and she told me that I should look for some part time work. Just work here and there for perhaps a few hours then you get payed, that's an idea, yes. But my body says no, after a full busy week I'm to tired to do anything. But I will look for part time work anyway, who knows what kinda work it is. If it's only for a few hours or maybe a day, I can give it a try. Ugh, money! I really gotta take easy with my money, atleast for a few months. 

My mind was today with buying curtains or not, I saw some really nice once for a nice price. But I thought naah, maybe next time when my montly money comes. Stubborn I am I took a look anyway in the store where they sold the cheap curtains, and planning to buy them. When I had them in my hands I had doubts, not a nice colour I thought, and are they easy to put on? Doubts made me decide not buy them, I went to another store and looked around there. There they were a bit expensiver, but they were nice, but again doubts, sigh! I didn't know of the lenght, well, I knew the lenght what I should get, but, does the lenght really suited? Will it look nice? The curtains where light brown, and I thought, "Alright no more doubts, I'm buying them." The curtains were 6 Euro more then in the other store, but I didn't mind.

I took two, one of 60 mm and one of 75 mm, when I nearly wanted to pay them I saw they were two different colours. Damn! Doubts again, I putted them back and looked again, after five minutes I decided not to buy them. It's difficult to make a decision what I wanted if I not really know what I exactly want. There are so many ways to decorate a window, lol. Let me make first sure what I really want and think of a way what the cheapest way is to decorate the many windows I have. I think the besrt way is to measure all the windows what I want to decorate and be closed, (what I already did) and then go to a store with the measures and find a nice curtain or whatever decoration there is. I'm sure the guy or the girl from the store will help me out.

I left the store and actually planning to go to another store where they sell curtains aswell, but halfway I decided no to, lol. I bought the second half of grocery for the comming week and returned home. It was quit a bag full with grocery, but okay. It makes me think back at Humanitas, there I was the only one who bought lots of groceries, but cheap. I think I was the only one then who bought, veggies, fruit, or anything what was healty. Most of the residents didn't buy much groceries, and if they bought groceries they bought bread and meat. Or cigarrets, lol, lots of ciggarets. It made me think, do I really need all these groceries? Do I really have to buy this all? Just like today I had a bag full, but do I really need all that I ask myself.Maybe I could/should make it less. 

1 little bag of potatoes (1,89)

Alright, let's go silly, and I will tell you what I bought today for this whole upcomming week....

1 bag of chrunchy muesli (1,29) 7 days a week sandwisches can get boring, muesli or cornflakes breaks the habbit.
1 bag mixed salad (1,09) usually I buy veggies from a can but a nice salad so now and then can be nice too once in a week.
1 Package of fruitbiscuits (0,82) I take them with me to work, at 10:00 with the coffee  break, it's a nice snack.
I package of teabags (0,35) instead of coffee, sometimes.
1 little bag of potatoes (1,98) this is a little bag, just one week I do with them. Such a cutie bag.
1 brown casino bread (1,09) usually I go for the cheaper ones but bread is gone in the supermarket before you know it, I guess I'm not the only one who goes for the cheap bread, lol
1 white bread (0,56) There was just one cheap bread left, and it was white, sigh, but okay.
1 beer (0,80) cheers! just once a week. Sometimes I skip a week.
1 bag of paprika chips (0,45) so now and then in the weekends.
1 bottle of salad dressing (1,12) nice over the salad.
1 baking butter (0,35)
1 butter (for the sandwisches) (0,54)
1 smoked sausage (0,56) the cheapest meat there is, and so handy to prepair. 
4 vanille puddings (0,17) blush, only 17 cents, but hey, there okay.
1 package of sliced cheese (1,56) only for the working days, for lunch, what I use for the weekends.
1 little can of spinach (0,66) something different then always, beans, carrots and beets.
1 little bag of apples (2,00) fruit is good, I never skip.
3 peaches (0,68) one for Monday, one for Tuesday and one for Thursdays, for each working day, lol.
Casino bread, square and cute.
 Well, that's about it for this week, I usually buy the same grocery/products every week. Meat, potatoes, veggies, fruit and something what you can put on a sandwich. Like honey, coconut slizes, peanut butter, jam, aplle syrup, sweet stuff I know, it's nice in the morning, and not that heavy. Thinking of my full bag of groceries makes me think of my money, maybe I should make it less all that grocery, maybe just for a few months. I think I will laugh when I read this post back two or three months later, when I have enough money to pay all my grocery what I want. I can maby buy something extra, lol. I just will see and find out. No worries for tomorrow.